IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Tivoli Data Warehouse solution using Oracle
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
Step 1: Create the Tivoli Data Warehouse database
This section provides guidelines for creating a Tivoli Data Warehouse database using Oracle.
Complete the tasks described in the following table to create a Tivoli Data Warehouse database using Oracle and to make it accessible to clients.
Tasks for creating the Tivoli Data Warehouse database
Task Procedure Create the Tivoli Data Warehouse database on one of the supported Windows, Linux, or UNIX operating systems. To comply with the assumptions described in the introduction to this chapter, create the database on a different computer from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server.
For guidance on planning the size and disk requirements for the warehouse database, see Plan considerations for the Tivoli Data Warehouse. For information about creating the warehouse database using Oracle, see Create the warehouse database on Oracle.
Activate the Oracle listener on the Oracle server where the Tivoli Data Warehouse is installed. To activate the Oracle listener:
- Use the Oracle Listener Service on Windows.
- Use the lsnrctl start command on Linux and UNIX.
See the Oracle documentation for instructions on how to activate the Oracle listener.
- Create the warehouse database on Oracle
This section provides guidelines for creating the Tivoli Data Warehouse database on Oracle.
Parent topic:
Tivoli Data Warehouse solution using Oracle