IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Tivoli Data Warehouse solution using Oracle > Step 3: Configure communications between the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and the data warehouse

IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2

Configure a Linux or AIX portal server (JDBC connection)

Use this procedure to configure a portal server on Linux or AIX to connect to an Oracle Tivoli Data Warehouse on any operating system.

  1. Log on to the computer where the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is installed and begin the configuration.

      where install_dir is the installation directory for IBM Tivoli Monitoring. The default installation directory is /opt/IBM/ITM.

      The Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window is displayed.

    1. Right-click Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and click Configure.

      The Configure Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server window is displayed.

  2. On the TEMS Connection tab, review the settings for the connection between the portal server and the hub monitoring server. These settings were specified when the portal server was installed.

  3. Click the Agent Parameters tab.

  4. Select the Oracle radio button.

    The fields for configuring the connection to an Oracle data warehouse are displayed at the bottom of the window.

    Figure 1. Configuring the connection to an Oracle data warehouse

  5. Fill in the fields in Figure 1 with the configuration values described in Table 1.

    Configuration information for a Tivoli Data Warehouse database on Oracle

    Field Default value Description
    Warehouse database name WAREHOUS Name of the Tivoli Data Warehouse database.
    Warehouse DB user ID ITMUser The database login user that the portal server uses to access the Tivoli Data Warehouse database. This user is referred to as the warehouse user.
    Warehouse user password itmpswd1 Password for the warehouse user.
    Re-type Warehouse user password itmpswd1 Password for the warehouse user.
    JDBC driver class path oracleinstalldir/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14.jar The full path name of the Oracle JDBC Type 4 driver JAR file on this computer.
    JDBC driver name oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver The Oracle JDBC Type 4 driver name.
    JDBC driver URL


    The Oracle-defined URL that identifies the Oracle instance used for the remote Tivoli Data Warehouse.

    Replace localhost with the host name of the remote computer where the Tivoli Data Warehouse is installed.

    Change the default port number (1521) and Tivoli Data Warehouse name (WAREHOUS) if they are different.

    User-defined attributes (no default) Enter any user-defined attributes that are used to customize the behavior of the driver connection. Use semi-colons (;) to delimit the attributes.

  6. Click Save to save your settings and close the window.

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Step 3: Configure communications between the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and the data warehouse


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