IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Monitor your operating system via a System Monitor Agent > Install the System Monitor Agent on Linux or UNIX systems

IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2

Configure the System Monitor Agents on Linux or UNIX

The autonomous OS agents do not use the pc.ini files (where pc is the product code) for configuration. Instead these System Monitor Agents follow a configuration model based on flat files. These files are designed to segregate and preserve your user configuration, which simplifies agent upgrade. They also allow redistribution of a configured agent to other systems while ensuring the original configuration is exactly duplicated.

The System Monitor Agents' environment files are stored in the InstDir/config directory, where InstDir is your installation directory. When the agent is installed, two files are added to this directory:


This file contains IBM Tivoli Monitoring-defined global environment settings that are available to all monitoring agents that use the same installation directory. User modifications should not be made to this file, as the changes may not be preserved in future upgrades. Instead, make your global user configuration changes in the global.environment file described below.


Here pc is the two-character product code (for example, .ux.environment is the product-provided UNIX System Monitor Agent environment configuration file, and .lz.environment is the Linux System Monitor Agent environment configuration file). These files contain product-defined, agent-specific environment settings that are available only to the pc agents running in the same installation directory. Again, user modifications should not be made to this file, as the changes may not be preserved in future upgrades. Instead, make your user agent configuration changes in the pc.environment file described below.

Values defined in the .pc.environment files override those defined in the global environment files.

In the InstDir/config directory (where InstDir is your installation directory), you may create custom environment files that override the environment settings defined in the .global.environment and .pc.environment files. These user customization are preserved during future product upgrades. These files are:


This file is not created when the System Monitor Agent is installed but must be created by you:

  1. Copy the IBM Tivoli Monitoring-supplied .global.environment file to global.environment.

  2. Delete all entries that do not need to be customized.

  3. Add any custom global configuration variables that should be available to all agents running in the same installation directory.

User modifications should be made to this file as these changes will never be overwritten by future upgrades. Values specified in the global.environment configuration file override those in both the .global.environment file and the .pc.environment.


This file is not created when the System Monitor Agent is installed but must be created by you:

  1. Copy the IBM Tivoli Monitoring-supplied .pc.environment file to pc.environment.

  2. Delete all entries that do not need to be customized.

  3. Add any agent-specific configuration variables that should be available to all pc agents running in the same installation directory.

User modifications should be made to this file as these changes will never be overwritten by future upgrades. Values specified in the user pc.environment file override all others.

User-defined local configuration files

These configuration files are stored in a separate local configuration directory, InstDir/localconfig/pc, and include this parameter:


Specifies a different local configuration directory. You may want to set the IRA_LOCALCONFIG_DIR parameter in the pc.environment file so each agent will have its own unique IRA_LOCALCONFIG_DIR setting. Alternatively, setting the IRA_LOCALCONFIG_DIR in the global.environment file allows all agents to share the same IRA_LOCALCONFIG_DIR setting.

Private situation configuration files

If a correctly named private situation configuration file is present in the System Monitor Agent's local configuration directory when the agent is started, the agent will run the private situations that the file defines. The file must be named pc_situations.xml, where pc is the agent's two-character product code.

The IRA_PRIVATE_SITUATION_CONFIG environment variable may be used to specify a different file name or location. This variable is resolved relative to the IRA_LOCALCONFIG_DIR directory, or you may specify a fully qualified filename.

For more information about the private situation configuration files, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide.

SNMP trap configuration files

If a correctly named trap configuration file is present in the System Monitor Agent's local configuration directory when the agent is started, the agent will emit the SNMP alerts that the file defines. The file must be named pc_trapcnfg.xml, where pc is the agent's two-character product code.

The IRA_EVENT_EXPORT_SNMP_TRAP_CONFIG environment variable may be used to specify a different file name or location. This variable is resolved relative to the IRA_LOCALCONFIG_DIR directory, or you may specify a fully qualified filename.

For more information about SNMP trap configuration files, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide.

Parent topic:

Install the System Monitor Agent on Linux or UNIX systems


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