IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Set up event forwarding to Netcool/OMNIbus > Understanding and Customizing the Event Contents

IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2

Add event classes for new and updated agents to the MCS Attribute service used by the EIF Slot Customization function

The EIF Slot Customization facility uses the MCS Attribute Service to present a list of predefined event classes in the Event class name list of the EIF Slot Customization window. The Event class name list of the EIF Slot Customization window is available through the EIF tab of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Situation editor.

Only the event classes belonging to the OS agents are predefined and they are in an MCS Attribute Service jar file. When a new type of agent is added into the Tivoli Management Services infrastructure or a new event class is added to an updated version of an agent, you must generate a new MCS XML file and point the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server to the new XML file before the new event classes will appear in the Event class name list.

See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Tivoli Enterprise Portal User's Guide or the Tivoli Enterprise Portal online help for details on using the EIF slot customization function.

To generate a new MCS XML file, install the Tivoli Enterprise Console Event Definition Generator (TEDGEN) tool supplied on the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Tools DVD. The TEDGEN tool should be installed on a distributed computer where the Hub monitoring server or portal server is installed. The TECLIB directory of the Hub monitoring server or portal server contains the agent BAROC files that are processed by the TEDGEN tool.

The definitions in MCS XML file supersede those defined in the shipped MCS Attribute Services jar file (they are not merged). To obtain a MCS XML file that contains both the event classes definitions of the OS agents as well as new or updated agents, be sure all the BAROC definitions for the OS agents and other agents used in your environment are all in the TECLIB directory of your portal server or monitoring server before running the TEDGEN utility to generate the MCS XML file.

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Understanding and Customizing the Event Contents


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