IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Agent configuration and environment variables > Product behavior with custom configuration settings

IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2

General operations

Several types of variables control the operation of an IBM Tivoli Monitoring component.

See the following basic types of variables:

User-modified variables

You generate these settings when doing a configuration, changing a value in the CLI or GUI configuration GUIs, and then saving the changes. These variables are user-modifiable variables. They are typically stored in initialization K??CMA.ini, k*env files on the disk. The output (K??ENV, *.config) files use these variables, such as key=$VAR1$, which are then substituted with the value that you specify.

Static variables

The second type of setting is a variable for an internal component that you cannot configure through the common configuration tools. These variables are stored in K??CMA.ini, K??ENV, k*env, *.ini files, in entries such as NUM_TIMES_TO_TRY=4. No dynamic substitution takes place. This type of setting is static.

The following list describes persistence in several scenarios:

Keep notes about any changed static variables that you modify in response to instructions from technotes, IBM Software Support, and so on. After performing an upgrade, examine if the values need to be reapplied.

Parent topic:

Product behavior with custom configuration settings


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