IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Install IBM Tivoli Monitoring
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
Install product maintenance
The installation procedures in this chapter contain instructions for new installations. Follow the same procedures for upgrading or updating an existing installation. Fix packs (that is, product maintenance) use the same installer as a pristine installation except that in this case, the installer runs only on a system that is already installed and configured. This is true when installing both generally available fix packs and interim fixes.
An upgrade is an installation that replaces a previous release or fix pack level of the product or component with a later release or fix pack level. An update is a modification to an existing installation at the same release or fix pack level.
Note that, when you upgrade or update an installation, configuration windows for components that are already configured might not be displayed. Skip those steps that do not apply; there is no need to rerun any configuration step unless specifically called for in the fix pack's documentation.
The instructions sometimes reference the default path for the installation of IBM Tivoli Monitoring. If you did not install the product in the default path, specify the correct path whenever the upgrade procedures require a path specification.
Parent topic:
Install IBM Tivoli Monitoring