IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Set up event forwarding to Netcool/OMNIbus > Understanding and Customizing the Event Contents
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
About customizing the format of the event message attribute
The OMNIbus EIF probe maps the msg attribute slot in the EIF event sent from the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server into the Summary attribute of the ObjectServer. The Summary attribute gives you a descriptive way of looking at an alert in OMNIbus.
The situation name alone does not provide detailed event identification where you have large numbers of like-events from various sources. Therefore, the msg EIF slot is expanded to include the following event attributes when an event is opened:
Situation-Identifier [(formula) ON Managed-System-Name ON DISPLAY-ITEM (threshold Name-Value pairs)]where:
- Situation-Name
- The unique identifier of the situation.
- formula
- The formula tells how the situation is evaluated.
- Managed-System-Name
- The agent or the managed system.
- The identifier that triggered the situation if there is more than one instance. This is optional and is used only if a display item is specified in the situation definition.
- threshold Name-Value pairs
- The raw data that the situation uses to evaluate whether it is triggered.
NT_Criticial_Process [(Process_CPU > 4 AND Thread_Count > 50) ON IBM-AGX02:NT (Process_CPU = 8 AND Thread_Count = 56)] NT_Disk_Full [(Free_Megabytes < 1000000) ON "IBM-AGX02:NT" ON D: (Free_Megabytes = 100)]You can use the EIF Slot Customization window of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Situation Editor to override the default msg slot setting.
When customizing the msg attribute slot, the Literal value column can be used to define a custom message template. The message template can consist of fixed message text and variable substitution references, or symbols. The symbol can be base or extended slot data, or a special reference to the situation formula. Base slots are those that are included in all forwarded events, such as situation_name. Extended slots are those specific to the attribute group used by the situation definition. See the following syntax:
- For an extended slot, use the fully qualified attribute name ($Attribute_Table.Attribute_Name$).
- For a base slot, use the variable name that is not fully qualified (no . periods) unless it is the situation formula symbol.
- For a situation formula, use $formula$.
These characters are not supported: less than, greater than, quotation mark, single quotation mark, and ampersand. The Literal value column cannot be used to define a message template if a value is selected in the Mapped attribute column.
See the Tivoli Enterprise Portal online help or the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Tivoli Enterprise Portal User's Guide for more information about using the EIF slot customization function.
Parent topic:
Understanding and Customizing the Event Contents