IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Hardware and software requirements

IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2

Supported databases for Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server

IBM Tivoli Monitoring includes an embedded version of the Apache Derby database server for default use as the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server database. The database is installed when installing the portal server, and it runs within the portal server's Java virtual machine.

The embedded Derby database is intended for use only by small to medium-size businesses. It is not intended for large IBM Tivoli Monitoring environments or for sites running a large number of Tivoli Enterprise Portal clients. Derby has been tested with up to 20 portal clients, and it does require higher CPU and memory usage than DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.

If the embedded Derby database is not suitable for your environment, you can use one of the supported databases in Table 1. Note that the database and the portal server must be installed on the same computer.

IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 includes DB2 Enterprise Server Edition 10.1 for use with the portal server and the Tivoli Data Warehouse.

Supported databases for the portal server

Portal server operating system Portal server database ("TEPS") 1, 2
  IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows MS SQL Server

  • V9.7 and fix packs

  • V9.8 and fix packs

  • V10.1 and fix packs


  • V9.7 and fix packs

  • V9.8 and fix packs

  • V10.1 and fix packs


  • V9.7 and fix packs

  • V9.8 and fix packs

  • V10.1 and fix packs

  • MS SQL Server 2008

  • MS SQL Server 2008 R2

  • MS SQL Server 2012

  1. "TEPS" is the default database name for the database used by the portal server.

  2. Your portal server database must be located on the computer where the portal server is installed.

  3. On Linux, the portal server database must be installed with the operating system language set to UTF-8.

  4. If you transition from one supported database system to another for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, your existing portal server data is not copied from the first system to the new one.

  5. The Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server automatically prunes closed events out of the database after 24 hours, to prevent long-term database growth.

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Hardware and software requirements


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