IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Tivoli Data Warehouse solution using DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2

Step 4: Install and configure communications for the Summarization and Pruning Agent

Complete the tasks described in the following table, in the order listed, to install and configure the Summarization and Pruning Agent.

Tasks for installing and configuring communications for the Summarization and Pruning Agent

Task Procedure
Install the Summarization and Pruning Agent if you have not already installed it. For best performance, install the Summarization and Pruning Agent on the same computer as the data warehouse.

The installation procedure for Windows includes steps for configuring the connection between the agent and the hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring server. On Linux or AIX, this step is performed in a separate configuration procedure (Configuring the monitoring agent). See the information at right. Be sure to perform all referenced installation and configuration procedures.

Note: The Summarization and Pruning Agent is not automatically started after installation. Do not complete any step or procedure for starting the agent at this point.

To install a Summarization and Pruning Agent on Windows, complete the procedure Windows: Installing a monitoring agent.

To install a Summarization and Pruning Agent on Linux or UNIX, complete the procedure Linux or UNIX: Installing a monitoring agent, including the following subsections:

  • Install the monitoring agent

  • Configure the monitoring agent

  • Change the file permissions for agents (if you used a non-root user to install the Warehouse Proxy)

Do not complete the procedure for starting the agent.

If the data warehouse is located on a remote computer, copy the DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows JDBC Universal Driver (Type 4 driver) JAR files, included with the DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows product installation, to the local computer where the Summarization and Pruning Agent is installed. You can copy the files to any directory that the user that the Summarization and Pruning Agent process runs as has access to. The Type 4 driver file names and locations are as follows:


where db2installdir is the directory where DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows was installed. The default DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows Version 9 installation directory is as follows:

  • On Windows:C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB

  • On AIX:/usr/opt/db2_09_01

  • On Linux or Solaris:/opt/IBM/db2/V9.1

Configure the Summarization and Pruning Agent.

When you configure the Summarization and Pruning Agent, you configure the connection to the Tivoli Data Warehouse and you specify settings that control the operation of the Summarization and Pruning Agent.

Perform this procedure whether or not the Summarization and Pruning Agent and the warehouse database are installed on the same computer.

Configure the Summarization and Pruning Agent (JDBC connection)
Configure the Summarization and Pruning Agent to connect to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. Perform this procedure whether or not the Summarization and Pruning Agent and the warehouse database are installed on the same computer. See Step 9 of Configure the Summarization and Pruning Agent (JDBC connection).

Configure history collection.

When you configure history collection, you specify settings for how often to collect, aggregate, and prune data for individual monitoring agents and attribute groups. Configure history collection from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.

See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide for instructions on how to configure history collection.

Start the Summarization and Pruning Agent. Start the Summarization and Pruning Agent

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Tivoli Data Warehouse solution using DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows


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