IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Tivoli Data Warehouse solution using DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows > Step 2: Install and configure communications for the Warehouse Proxy Agent
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
Configure a Warehouse Proxy Agent on Linux or UNIX (JDBC connection)
Complete the procedure in this section to configure a Warehouse Proxy Agent on Linux or UNIX to connect to a DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows Tivoli Data Warehouse on any operating system.
- Log on to the computer where the Warehouse Proxy Agent is installed and begin the configuration.
- Run...
cd install_dir/bin
./itmcmd manage [-h install_dir]
...where install_dir is the installation directory for IBM Tivoli Monitoring. The default installation directory is /opt/IBM/ITM.
The Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window is displayed.
- Right-click Warehouse Proxy and click Configure.
The Configure Warehouse Proxy window is displayed.
Figure 1. Configure Warehouse Proxy window (Database Type)
- Select DB2 from the list of selectable databases, and click Next. The following configuration window is displayed.
Figure 2. Configure Warehouse Proxy window (Agent Parameters)
- Review the settings for the connection between the Warehouse Proxy Agent and the hub monitoring server. Correct the settings if necessary.
The Warehouse Proxy Agent must use the same protocols used by the application agents and by the hub monitoring. If the proxy agent does not have the same protocol as the hub monitoring server, it cannot register with the hub. If the proxy does not have the same protocol as the application agents, then the application agents cannot communicate with the proxy when they to try create a route to it.
- Add the names and directory locations of the JDBC JARS files to the JDBC JARS list box:
- Click Add to display the file browser window. Navigate to the location of the JARS files on this computer and select the following driver files:
- Click OK to close the browser window and add the JDBC JARS files to the list.
If you need to delete an entry from the list, select the entry and click Remove.
- Change the default value displayed in the JDBC URL field if it is not correct. The default Tivoli Data Warehouse URL for IBM DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows is as follows:
- If the Tivoli Data Warehouse is installed on a remote computer, specify the host name of the remote computer instead of localhost.
- Change the port number if it is different.
- If the name of the Tivoli Data Warehouse database is not WAREHOUS, replace WAREHOUS with the actual name. (See Create the warehouse database on DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows.)
When specifying the DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows database name on Linux and UNIX, case is ignored. In other words, it makes no difference whether you provide the database name in lowercase or uppercase.
- Verify the JDBC driver name, which is displayed in the JDBC Driver field. (Note that the JDBC Driver field displays the driver name, in contrast to the JDBC JARS that are listed in the JDBC JARS field.)
The default DB2 JDBC Driver is:
- If necessary, change the entries in the Username and Password fields to match the user name and password that were created for the Tivoli Data Warehouse. (See Create the warehouse database on DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows.) The default user name is itmuser and the default password is itmpswd1.
- Click Test connection to ensure you can communicate with the Tivoli Data Warehouse database.
Test Connection is not available if configuring remotely from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal.
- A Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server name in the Warehouse TEMS List field indicates that all the agents connected to this Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server will have its historical data sent to this Warehouse Proxy Agent. This variable is used when the IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment contains multiple Warehouse Proxy Agents and the workload has to be balanced using specific Warehouse Proxy Agents.
- Select the Use Batch check box if you want the Warehouse Proxy Agent to submit multiple execute statements to the Tivoli Data Warehouse database for processing as a batch.
In some situations, such as crossing a network, sending multiple statements as a unit is more efficient than sending each statement separately. Batch processing is one of the features provided with the JDBC 2.0 API.
- Select the Database Compression check box for the Warehouse Proxy Agent to create all tables and indexes in the Tivoli Data Warehouse with compression enabled, if the database compression mode is supported by the database. This option reduces the storage costs of the Tivoli Data Warehouse.
- Select the Warehouse Compression for Z/OS Sources check box for the Warehouse Proxy server to allow clients installed on Z/OS machines to send compressed data.
- Click OK to save your settings and close the window.
Parent topic:
Step 2: Install and configure communications for the Warehouse Proxy Agent