IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Deployment phase

IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2

Pre-installation checklist

  1. Verify that your hardware meets the requirements for Tivoli Monitoring core components.

  2. Verify that the correct media is downloaded (not the upgrade install media).

  3. Verify that you have the correct media for your hardware architecture.

    To check your kernel version...

    System Command
    AIX bootinfo -K get 64 or bootinfo -K get 32
    HP getconf KERNEL_BITS
    Linux uname -r
    Solaris isainfo -b

  4. Verify prerequisites are met for the databases.

  5. Confirm you have the appropriate authority on the system to be installed.

  6. Confirm the network team is contacted for required ports to be opened between the portal server, monitoring server, monitoring agents, and Warehouse Proxy Agents.

  7. Ensure the team responsible to deploy and implement Tivoli Monitoring solution is equipped with sufficient skills to complete the tasks successfully.

  8. Give special consideration to Windows installations where you are using terminal services or some other remote control software to access hosts. In a perfect world, install this software while you are physically sitting at and logged in to the system console. As this might be impractical, you need to have LOCAL ADMINISTRATOR authority (domain administrator authority itself does not suffice).

    If using something like terminal services, you need to be a member of the local user security policy called...

      Allow Logon Locally well as ...

      Allow Logon through Terminal Services

    In some cases, you might need to work with the Windows engineers to help you maneuver through local and AD security issues. Security problems can initially manifest themselves as subtle inconsistencies but ultimately can inhibit a successful installation.

    Parent topic:

    Deployment phase


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