IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Pre-deployment phase

IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2


The table in this section lists the staffing and time estimates for various Tivoli Monitoring tasks.

Staffing estimates

Tivoli Monitoring tasks Hours required Number of people required Skills required
Discuss the project plan, including implementation and support in place by IBM 16 2 Medium
Download the correct media for installation 8 hours 1 Medium
Complete the hardware check 4 hours 1 Medium
Create the warehouse database with sufficient space, user IDs and tuning parameters 4 1 High (DBA)
Configure firewall for ports 8 1 High (Network Team)
Install core components (portal server, monitoring server, Warehouse Proxy Agent, and Summarization and Pruning Agent) 1 20 2 High
Disable the default situations 2 1 Medium
Create the managed systems list 8 1 Medium
Create the custom situations 32 2 Medium
Deploy first 50 mix of Windows OS, UNIX and Linux OS and different application agents 40 1 High
Deploy situations to appropriate managed systems lists 8 1 Medium
Verify all agents and core components are active and working correctly 40 2 High
Verify events flowing to Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus ObjectServer or Tivoli Enterprise Console server 4 1 Medium
Back up the environment (core components) 4 1 High
Deploy agents in chunks of 100 agents, depending upon the requirement. Sizing includes adding computers to the managed systems lists. 24 2 Medium
Enable only required attribute groups for warehousing as mentioned in the project plan 8 1 Medium
Verify warehouse data is flowing from agents to warehouse database 8 1 High
Perform frequent health checks of the environment, more frequent in first few months and then later less frequent checks 4 1 High
Configure Performance Analyzer Agent .5 1 Medium
Add application support to Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server and Tivoli Enterprise Portal Client .5 1 Medium
Reconfigure Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, and Tivoli Enterprise Portal Client .5 1 Medium
Configure historical data collection 2 1 Medium
Move the Tivoli Performance Analyzer configuration database 2 4 1 Medium
Install Tivoli Performance Analyzer domain support in console mode or in GUI mode 2 1 Medium
Install reports 1 1 Medium
Inspection and validation of default tasks 2 1 Medium
Customize the default tasks to suit the environment and requirements 2 1 Medium
Create custom tasks 2 1 Medium

Installing core components depends on the size of the environment and the complexity regarding multiple Warehouse Proxy Agents.

In some situations you might want to move the Tivoli Data Warehouse database to a different computer or Relational Data Base Management System. The migration procedure described in Tivoli Data Warehouse manuals does not cover Performance Analyzer configuration data. See Moving the Tivoli Performance Analyzer configuration database in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring information center.

The steps outlined in Deployment phase will assist you with your project planning and ensure that the deployment phase goes smoothly.

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Pre-deployment phase


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