IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Installation Guides > Installation Guide > Tivoli Data Warehouse solutions: common procedures > Run the warehouse agents autonomously

IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2

Configure a Warehouse Proxy Agent to run autonomously

For a Warehouse Proxy Agent to run in autonomous mode, it must be configured to run without registering its location with the hub monitoring server.

Every monitoring agent that sends historical data to the Warehouse Proxy Agent must be configured with its location.

To configure the Warehouse Proxy Agent to run without registering, complete the following steps:

  1. Install and configure one or more Warehouse Proxy Agents following the procedures in the appropriate chapter:

    The installation procedure for Windows operating systems includes steps for configuring the connection between the proxy agent and the hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. On Linux or UNIX operating systems, this step is performed in a separate configuration procedure. On Windows operating systems, if you want to run the Warehouse Proxy Agent without a connection to the hub, accept the defaults for the connection information, but specify a nonvalid name for the monitoring server. On UNIX and Linux operating systems, check No TEMS on the TEMS Connection tab of the configuration window.

  2. Add the following variable to the Warehouse Proxy Agent environment file (install_dir\TMAITM6\KHDENV on Windows operating systems; install_dir/config/hd.ini on UNIX and Linux operating systems):


  3. Configure the Warehouse Proxy Agent to use the same IP port number as you chose for the various autonomous agents that will be sending historical data to it; see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator's Guide for details.

  4. Restart the agent.

  5. Restart the agent's Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server, if necessary.

    If the Warehouse Proxy Agent you reconfigured to run autonomously has previously connected to either a hub monitoring server or a remote monitoring server, the agent has already registered with the monitoring server to which it connected. To clear this registration information now that the agent is running autonomously, recycle the monitoring server. If the monitoring server is a remote monitoring server, also recycle the hub monitoring server to which it connects.

To configure a monitoring agent with the location of the Warehouse Proxy Agent or agents to which it should export historical data, complete the following steps:

  1. Install the agent following Install monitoring agents or the documentation for the agent.

  2. Open the monitoring agent environment file in a text editor:

    • install_dir\TMAITM6\kpcenv

    • install_dir/config/pc.ini

    • &hilev.&rte.RKANPARU(KPCENV)

    where pc is the two-character product code for the monitoring agent (see IBM Tivoli product, platform, and component codes).

  3. Add the following variable to the file:

      KHD_WAREHOUSE_LOCATION=family protocol.#network address[port number]

    The value of the variable can be a semicolon-delimited list of network addresses. For example:


  4. Restart the agent.

Parent topic:

Run the warehouse agents autonomously


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