IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Administrator's Guide > Situation event integration with Tivoli Enterprise Console > Default mapping of situation events to IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console events

IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2

Assign severity for Tivoli Enterprise Console events

The severity of a Tivoli Enterprise Console event associated with a situation is assigned automatically from the situation name or you can set a severity in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Situation editor.

The severity of a Tivoli Enterprise Console event associated with a situation can be directly specified under the EIF tab of the Situation editor. If no Tivoli Enterprise Console severity is specified for a situation, the event forwarder attempts to derive a severity from the suffix of the situation name using the following rule:

Situation name suffix mapping to Tivoli Enterprise Console event severity

Situation name suffix Assigned IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console severity
Warn or _Warning WARNING
Cri, _Crit, _Critical CRITICAL
none of the above UNKNOWN

Parent topic:

Default mapping of situation events to IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console events


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