IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Administrator's Guide

IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2

MIB SNMP agent event descriptions

Tivoli monitoring agents emit three types of SNMP alerts to convey agent operational status, sampled situation events, and pure situation events. The alert types are defined in the canbase.mib and cansyssg.mib files, which are available on the IBM Tivoli Monitoring- and IBM Tivoli Monitoring Agents installation media.

Agent situation state SNMP traps are sent using enterprise (Candle-BASE-MIB::candle-Alert-MIB).


The agentStatusEvent is a monitoring agent operational status information trap generated by the Tivoli Autonomous Agent SNMP Event Exporter to inform and notify about a specific agent operational event.

SNMP trap variables for agentStatusEvent

Variable Description OID
The situation name, up to 32 bytes, identifies the name and nature of the status event.
agentSit-OriginNode Name of the managed system where the situation was evaluated, up to 32 bytes.
The timestamp when the situation state changed. The format is CYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm (such as 1090415094501000 for April 15, 2009 at 09:45:01) where:
C = Century (1 for 21st)
Y = Year
M = Month
D = Day
H = Hour
M = Minute
S = Second
m = millisecond
autoSit-Category Assigned situation category. Valid values are:
0 - Threshold
1 - Network Topology
2 - Error
3 - Status
4 - Node Configuration
5 - Application Alert
6 - All Category
7 - Log Only
8 - Map
9 - Ignore
autoSit-Severity Assigned situation severity. Valid values are:
0 - Cleared
1 - Indeterminate
2 - Warning
3 - Minor
4 - Major
5 - Critical
autoSit-StatusText The agent status trap description message text, from 0 to 256 bytes.
autoSit-Interval The agent status trap interval; typically used for the heartbeat interval. See the "Sample trap configuration file" in SNMP alert configuration for an example of setting the heartbeat interval: <StatTrap name="EE_HEARTBEAT" sev="1" interval="15" cat="3" />


A sampled situation event was detected. This trap was generated by the Tivoli Autonomous Agent SNMP Event Exporter in response to a situation threshold being exceeded at the time of the data sampling.

SNMP trap variables for agentSitSampledEvent

Attribute Description OID
agentSit-Application This is the product application name, from 1 to 8 bytes.
agentSit-Table This is the name of the product application table (attribute group), from 1 to 12 bytes.
agentSit-Name The situation name, up to 32 bytes, identifies the name and nature of the status event.
agentSit-OriginNode Name of the managed system where the situation was evaluated, up to 32 bytes.
agentSit-LocalTimeStamp The timestamp when the situation state changed. The format is CYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm (such as 1091031183005000 for October 31, 2009 at 18:30:05) where:
C = Century (1 for 21st)
Y = Year
M = Month
D = Day
H = Hour
M = Minute
S = Second
m = millisecond
agentSit-Context Unique situation context identifier, expressed as an integer (-2147483647 to 2147483647). This is the handle number identifying an agent running request. In an SNMP environment, trap-direct polling is typically used whereby a trap is received and the network manager polls the originating agent for additional detailed information. This identifier is used to supply context for the targeted agent to correlate the request to the problem source. Although agentSit-Context is sent, it is not used in this release.
agentSit-SampleInterval Sampled situation interval in seconds, from 0 to 86400.
agentSit-Source Situation current status. The valid values are:
0 - Undefined
1 - Enterprise, meaning the situation was defined on the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
2 - Private, meaning the situation was defined by the local private situation configuration file.
autoSit-Category Assigned situation category. Valid values are:
0 - Threshold
1 - Network Topology
2 - Error
3 - Status
4 - Node Configuration
5 - Application Alert
6 - All Category
7 - Log Only
8 - Map
9 - Ignore
autoSit-Severity Assigned situation severity. Valid values are:
0 - Cleared
1 - Indeterminate
2 - Warning
3 - Minor
4 - Major
5 - Critical
autoSit-Predicates This is the situation formula, up to 3210 bytes, in the form attributeName Operator CompareValue. When the formula has multiple expressions, their Boolean AND or OR connectors are shown.
sitAttributeList The attribute values for the situation that is assigned to the monitoring agent, from 0 to 3200 bytes.


A pure situation event was detected. This trap was generated by the Tivoli Autonomous Agent SNMP Event Exporter in response to a situation threshold being exceeded. The variables in a pure event trap are identical to those for a sampled event trap except there is no agentSit-SampleInterval because pure events are not sampled; rather the arrival of unsolicited data from the monitored attribute group causes the situation to become true. A situation created with an attribute group for a system log, for example, opens a pure event when a log entry arrives.

SNMP trap variables for agentSitPureEvent

Attribute Description OID
agentSit-Application This is the product application name, from 1 to 8 bytes.
agentSit-Table This is the name of the product application table (attribute group), from 1 to 12 bytes.
agentSit-Name The situation name, up to 32 bytes, identifies the name and nature of the status event.
agentSit-OriginNode Name of the managed system where the situation was evaluated, up to 32 bytes.
agentSit-LocalTimeStamp The timestamp when the situation state changed. The format is CYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm (such as 1091031183005000 for October 31, 2009 at 18:30:05) where:
C = Century (1 for 21st)
Y = Year
M = Month
D = Day
H = Hour
M = Minute
S = Second
m = millisecond
agentSit-Context Unique situation context identifier, expressed as an integer (-2147483647 to 2147483647). This is the handle number identifying an agent running request. In an SNMP environment, trap-direct polling is typically used whereby a trap is received and the network manager polls the originating agent for additional detailed information. This identifier is used to supply context for the targeted agent to correlate the request to the problem source. Although agentSit-Context is sent, it is not used in this release.
agentSit-Source Situation current status. The valid values are:
0 - Undefined
1 - Enterprise, meaning the situation was defined on the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server
2 - Private, meaning the situation was defined by the local private situation configuration file.
autoSit-Category Assigned situation category. Valid values are:
0 - Threshold
1 - Network Topology
2 - Error
3 - Status
4 - Node Configuration
5 - Application Alert
6 - All Category
7 - Log Only
8 - Map
9 - Ignore
autoSit-Severity Assigned situation severity. Valid values are:
0 - Cleared
1 - Indeterminate
2 - Warning
3 - Minor
4 - Major
5 - Critical
autoSit-Predicates This is the situation formula, up to 3210 bytes, in the form attributeName Operator CompareValue. When the formula has multiple expressions, their Boolean AND or OR connectors are shown.
sitAttributeList The attribute values for the situation that is assigned to the monitoring agent, from 0 to 3200 bytes.


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