IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Administrator's Guide > Securing communications
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
Use the GSKit iKeyman utility to work with key databases and certificates
A default self-signed certificate and key are provided when you install IBM Tivoli Monitoring. If you prefer to use a certificate authority signed certificate, use the iKeyman utilities to create a certificate request and then create a key database and import the certificates into the database.
The iKeyman utility is available on the distributed computers where the monitoring server, portal servers, portal client desktop client, and tacmd CLI are installed.
For information about the iKeyman graphical user interface and its command-line interface, see the IBM Developer Kit and Runtime Environment iKeyman V8.0 User's Guide.
- Set the JRE for GSKit and starting Key Manager
You must set the path to the Java Runtime Environment before starting GSKit.
- Create a new key database
Create a new key database using the iKeyman utility.
- Create a new public-private key pair and certificate request
Create a new public-private key pair and certificate request in iKeyman.
- Use a temporary self-signed certificate
It can take between two and three weeks to receive a CA-signed digital certificate. To use a digital certificate other than the one provided with IBM Tivoli Monitoring and you have not yet received the CA-signed digital certificate, you can create a self-signed certificate on the portal server. A self-signed digital certificate is not as secure as a CA-signed certificate; this is strictly a temporary measure until the CA-signed certificate arrives.
- Receive the CA-signed certificate
- Saving the password to a stash file
Because many of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring components work without user intervention, save the key database password to a stash file on your computer. Save this password so that product components can use TLS/SS without requiring any intervention from you.
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Securing communications