IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Administrator's Guide > Manage historical data > Performance impact of historical data requests > Use a data mart to improve long or complex queries
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
Sample data mart SQL script for IBM Tivoli Monitoring
The following SQL script is an sample script of how you can create and populate a data mart. Your actual script needs to be revised to reflect your environment.
-------------------------------------------------------- -- Example data mart SQL Script for TDW 2.1 -------------------------------------------------------- -- This scripts demonstrates the creation and population -- of a data mart (similar to the data marts in TDW 1.x) -- starting from the "flat" tables in TDW 2.1. -- This script can be run using the DB2 UDB CLP: -- db2 -tvf myscript -------------------------------------------------------- -- 1. Create hourly "flat" table from TDW 2.1 (simulated) -- One row per hour per Windows system drop table itmuser."Win_System_H"; create table itmuser."Win_System_H" ( WRITETIME CHAR( 16 ), "Server_Name" CHAR( 64 ), "Operating_System_Type" CHAR( 16 ), "Network_Address" CHAR( 16 ), "MIN_%_Total_Privileged_Time" INTEGER, "MAX_%_Total_Privileged_Time" INTEGER, "AVG_%_Total_Privileged_Time" INTEGER, "MIN_%_Total_Processor_Time" INTEGER, "MAX_%_Total_User_Time" INTEGER, "AVG_%_Total_User_Time" INTEGER ); -- 2. Insert example data insert into itmuser."Win_System_H" values ( '1050917030000000', 'Primary:WinServ1:NT', 'Windows_2000', '', 20, 40, 30, 10, 30, 20 ); insert into itmuser."Win_System_H" values ( '1050917040000000','Primary:WinServ1:NT','Windows_2000','', 20, 40, 30, 10, 30, 20 ); insert into itmuser."Win_System_H" values ( '1050917030000000','Primary:WinServ2:NT','Windows_2000','', 20, 40, 30, 10, 30, 20 ); insert into itmuser."Win_System_H" values ( '1050917040000000','Primary:WinServ2:NT','Windows_2000','', 20, 40, 30, 10, 30, 20 ); -- 3. Create a dimension table for the hosts -- primary key is Server_ID, a generated value -- alternate key is Server_Name, Network_Address drop table itmuser."D_Win_System"; create table itmuser."D_Win_System" ( "Server_ID" INTEGER GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, "Server_Name" CHAR( 64 ), "Operating_System_Type" CHAR( 16 ), "Network_Address" CHAR( 16 ) ); -- 4. Create an hourly fact table for the System facts -- Server_ID is a foreign key to D_Win_System drop table itmuser."F_Win_System_H"; create table itmuser."F_Win_System_H" ( WRITETIME CHAR( 16 ) NOT NULL, "Server_ID" INTEGER NOT NULL, "MIN_%_Total_Privileged_Time" INTEGER, "MAX_%_Total_Privileged_Time" INTEGER, "AVG_%_Total_Privileged_Time" INTEGER, "MIN_%_Total_Processor_Time" INTEGER, "MAX_%_Total_User_Time" INTEGER, "AVG_%_Total_User_Time" INTEGER, constraint SERVID foreign key ("Server_ID") references itmuser."D_Win_System" ("Server_ID") ); -- 5. Insert into the dimension table -- only insert rows that do not already exist insert into itmuser."D_Win_System" ( "Server_Name", "Operating_System_Type", "Network_Address" ) select "Server_Name", min("Operating_System_Type") as "Operating_System_Type", "Network_Address" from itmuser."Win_System_H" h where not exists ( select 1 from itmuser."D_Win_System" d where d."Server_Name" = h."Server_Name" and d."Network_Address" = h."Network_Address" ) group by "Server_Name", "Network_Address" ; -- 6. Check values in dimension table select * from itmuser."D_Win_System" ; -- 7. Insert into the fact table -- only insert rows that do not already exist insert into itmuser."F_Win_System_H" select h.WRITETIME , d."Server_ID" , h."MIN_%_Total_Privileged_Time" , h."MAX_%_Total_Privileged_Time" , h."AVG_%_Total_Privileged_Time" , h."MIN_%_Total_Processor_Time" , h."MAX_%_Total_User_Time" , h."AVG_%_Total_User_Time" from itmuser."Win_System_H" h, itmuser."D_Win_System" d where d."Server_Name" = h."Server_Name" and d."Network_Address" = h."Network_Address" and not exists ( select 1 from itmuser."F_Win_System_H" f where f.WRITETIME = h.WRITETIME and f."Server_ID" = d."Server_ID" ) ; -- 8. Check values in fact table select * from itmuser."F_Win_System_H" ; -- 9. Repeat"5. Insert into the dimension table" -- and "7. Insert into the fact table" on a daily basis
See the IBM Redbooks publication, Introduction to Tivoli Enterprise Data Warehouse at for references and additional sample SQL extract scripts.
Parent topic:
Use a data mart to improve long or complex queries