IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Administrator's Guide > Manage historical data

IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2

Tivoli Data Warehouse and short-term history configuration

This section addresses some of the short-term history configurations in relation to the Tivoli Data Warehouse database.

Naming of the Tivoli Data Warehouse history tables and columns

The history tables in the Tivoli Data Warehouse database have the same names as the group names of history tables and columns. For example, Windows NT history for group name NT_System is collected in a short-term file having the name WTSYSTEM. Historical data in this file, WTSYSTEM, is stored to the database in a table named NT_System.

The warehouse proxy uses the complete product attribute name to create DBMS table and column identifiers. This includes any special characters found in an attribute name. When the length of an attribute name exceeds the maximum table or column name length supported by a DBMS product, the warehouse proxy uses the internal table and column names as defined in the product attribute file. The WAREHOUSEID table is located in the Tivoli Data Warehouse database. It contains records that describe any attribute or table names that exceed the DBMS maximum name length and that have been converted to internal table or column names. You can query this table to find out the correct name for a table or a column that has been internally converted. Each attribute group name in this table has a RECTYPE value of "TAB". Only the TABLENAME and OBJECTNAME values are filled in. Each attribute column name has a RECTYPE value of "COL". All other column values in WAREHOUSEID are filled in. The WAREHOUSE ID table has these definitions:


Indicates the type of record: "TAB" for table; "COL" for column.


Indicates an internal table name.


Indicates an attribute group name.


Indicates an internal column name.


Indicates an attribute name.

The warehouse proxy automatically creates an associated index for each data table in the warehouse database. The index is based on WRITETIME and ORIGINNODE (whose display name can be “Server_Name,” “System_Name," and so on, depending on the table), and the TMZDIFF (time zone difference) columns. The index name is the short name of the table, with an “_IDX” suffix.

Use of double quotes to ensure correct access to all data

All data warehouse table or column names for all major DBMS products are created by surrounding them with the DBMS-supported quoted identifier characters. When referencing historical data in the warehouse database, use the double-quote character to ensure correct access to that data. Some database products, such as Microsoft SQL Server, do not require the use of double quotes.

If you created SQL queries or stored procedures prior to IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.2.1 for use with the previous version of the historical data collection program, these now might need to be modified. The SQL needs to take into account the fact that some relational database products (such as Oracle) require all table and column names to be surrounded by double quotation marks to access IBM history data, some agents might have changed their data characterizations or added new columns.

Warehouse proxy ATTRLIB directory

The ATTRLIB directory in the warehouse proxy is automatically created for you at product installation time. On a Windows system, this directory is located in ITM_dir\tmaitm6\attrlib. On an operating system such as UNIX, this directory is located in ITM_dir/hd/tables.

During installation, if the warehouse proxy is installed on the same computer where other agents are installed, the agent product attribute files that are accessible to the installation program are added to the ATTRLIB directory. The warehouse proxy uses the attribute file in only one specific condition: when the monitoring agent version is earlier than version 6.1.0.

The attribute file allows determination of the table or column internal name when the length of an attribute name exceeds the maximum table or column name length that a warehouse DBMS product supports. In that condition only, the attribute file must be in the ATTRLIB directory. If the warehouse proxy is installed on a separate computer and you have a monitoring agent that is not at the latest level, you must copy the attribute file of that agent to the ATTRLIB directory where the warehouse proxy is installed.

If you see an error message stating that an export failed because a particular product attribute file was missing from this directory, locate the missing product attribute file and copy it into the ATTRLIB directory.

Changes in the set of collected attributes

When changes are detected in the set of collected attributes, such as when a new version of an agent with added attributes is deployed, the historical program performs these functions:

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Manage historical data


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