IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Administrator's Guide > Manage historical data
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
Change the directory for short-term history files
When historical data has been configured to be collected at the agent (TEMA; not TEMS), use the agent environment variable CTIRA_HIST_DIR to change the directory where historical data is collected. You might, for example, want to store the history files on a disk that provides more storage capacity than the default history data file location provides.
The directory must be an existing directory, specify the full path, and your operating system user ID must have write permission for this directory. If the directory does not exist, the agent will not collect historical data.
Take these steps to edit the CTIRA_HIST_DIR agent environment variable to establish a different directory to store the short-term history files.
- In the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window, right-click the monitored application and click Advanced → Edit Variables.
- In the Override Local Variable Settings window, click Add.
- Scroll through the variable list and select CTIRA_HIST_DIR
- In the Value field, replace @LogPath@ with the full path to the directory where you want the short-term history to be saved.
- Click OK to see CTIRA_HIST_DIR in the Variable column and the new path in the Value column; and click OK again to close the window. The value is recorded in the KpcENV file, such as KNTENV.
- Recycle the agent to have your changes take effect.
- Change to the <itm_install_dir>/config directory and open pc.ini in a text editor, where pc is the two-character product code. For example, /opt/IBM/ITM/config/ux.ini for the UNIX OS agent. For a list of product codes, see "IBM Tivoli product, platform, and component codes" in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.
- On a new line, add this environment variable followed by the full path to the location where you want the short-term history to be saved:
Save and close the file.
Recycle the agent to have your changes take effect.
Parent topic:
Manage historical data