IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Administrator's Guide > Agent-based services > Centralized Configuration
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
Centralized Configuration startup
After you have designed the configuration load list for each agent and created the central configuration server, you are ready for the agents to connect and start using Centralized Configuration.
You can enable an agent to use Centralized Configuration by editing the agent environment variables to specify a default central configuration server, by placing the configuration load list file on the computer and restarting the agent, or by submitting a service interface request.
- Initiating Centralized Configuration with agent environment variables
You can use the agent environment variables for Centralized Configuration to identify the location of the central configuration server and download the initial (bootstrap) configuration load list. These environment variables are used only if no local configuration load list exists.
- Initiating Centralized Configuration with a load list file
If you have created a configuration load list file, initiate Centralized Configuration by placing it in the proper location and starting the agent. You can do this manually, using a non-agent deploy bundle, or through the command line interface using the tacmd putfile.
- Initiating Centralized Configuration with a service interface request
You can submit service interface requests interactively in a browser or use kshsoap to submit service interface requests from a script. Use the service interface to initiate Centralized Configuration by submitting the configuration load list as a request.
Parent topic:
Centralized Configuration