IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Administrator's Guide > Prepare the Tivoli Enterprise Portal environment
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
Specify the browser used for Launch Application and for online help
If you are running the desktop client on Linux, or you want to view the online help with some browser other than the default, specify to the portal server the location of the browser you want to use.
Complete these steps to specify a different browser to use for the online help and launch application:
- Launch Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services (Start > (All) Programs > IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services).
- In the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window, right-click the browser or desktop client and select Reconfigure. The Configure the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Browser window is displayed. (If you are configuring the desktop client, the Configure Application Instance window is displayed.)
- Scroll down in the list of variables until you see the kjr.browser.default variable.
- Double-click kjr.browser.default. The Edit Tivoli Enterprise Portal Browser Parm window is displayed.
- In the Value field, type the path and the application name of the alternative browser application. For example, C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
- Click OK to close the editing window and save the change.
- Click OK to close the reconfiguration window.
- Go to the install_dir/bin/ and edit the shell script.
- Add your web browser location to the last line of the file. In the example below, the web browser location is /opt/foo/bin/launcher. -Dkjr.browser.default=/opt/foo/bin/launcher The line is very long and has various options on it, including several other –D options to define other properties. It is very important to add the option in the correct place.
If the last line of your bin/ originally looked like the following:
${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -showversion -noverify -classpath ${CLASSPATH} -Dkjr.trace.mode=LOCAL -Dkjr.trace.file=/opt/IBM/ITM/logs/kcjras1.log -Dkjr.trace.params=ERROR -DORBtcpNoDelay=true -Dvbroker.agent.enableLocator=false -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=candle.fw.pres.CMWApplet 2>& 1 >> ${LOGFILENAME}.logTo set the browser location to /opt/foo/bin/launcher, change the line to look like the following:
${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -showversion -noverify -classpath ${CLASSPATH} -Dkjr.browser.default=/opt/foo/bin/launcher -Dkjr.trace.mode=LOCAL -Dkjr.trace.file=/opt/IBM/ITM/logs/kcjras1.log -Dkjr.trace.params=ERROR -DORBtcpNoDelay=true -Dvbroker.agent.enableLocator=false -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=candle.fw.pres.CMWApplet 2>& 1 >> ${LOGFILENAME}.log
Java Web Start: Java Web Start deployed applications are described in jnlp deployment files. For IBM Tivoli Monitoring, there is one deployment file that describes the core Tivoli Enterprise Portal framework component and associated jar files, and one deployment file for each and every Tivoli Enterprise Portal-based monitoring solution that is installed. The core Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server deployment file is named tep.jnlp. The application deployment file is typically called kxx_resources.jnlp or kxx.jnlp, where xx is the application identifier (a product code, such as nt, ux, or lz). On a Windows computer where the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is installed, the file is located in <itminstall_dir>\CNB (for example, c:\IBM\ITM\CNB). On a Linux computer where the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is installed, the file is located in <itminstall_dir>/<arch>/cw (for example, /opt/IBM/ITM/li6263/cw).
The deployment file instances are generated whenever the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server is installed or reconfigured (for example, when adding a new monitoring solution to the environment). The contents of these files are based upon two template deployment files (.jnlpt). The core Tivoli Enterprise Portal template deployment file is called tep.jnlpt. The application template deployment file is named component.jnlpt. On a Windows computer where the Tivoli Enterprise PortalTivoli Enterprise Portal is installed, the file is located in <itminstall_dir>\Config (for example: c:\IBM\ITM\Config). On UNIX computers, the file is located in <itminstall_dir>/config (for example, /opt/IBM/ITM/config).
In order to add or modify JVM arguments (such as maximum heap size) or other Tivoli Enterprise Portal-based properties (such as RAS1 trace options), it is necessary to edit either the tep.jnlp deployment file or the tep.jnlpt deployment template file. The deployment file is nothing more than XML syntax that describes the Web Start application being deployed. The <resources> element is used to define the JVM arguments, the Tivoli Enterprise Portal properties, jar files, and references to component deployment files.
- Modify the tep.jnlp file if the change will be temporary (for example, setting a trace option for gathering further diagnostics).
- Modify the tep.jnlpt file if the change will be permanent (for example, increasing the maximum heap size to accommodate a larger monitored environment or increased event load).
If you modify the deployment template file, make sure you then reconfigure the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server in order to regenerate the instance-level .jnlp deployment files with your changes.
To specify the location of the browser to use to display the online help, add the following property to the <resources> section of the appropriate file:
<property name="kjr.browser.default" value="<path where browser is located>" >
Parent topic:
Prepare the Tivoli Enterprise Portal environment