IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2 > Administrator's Guide > Agent-based services
IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3 Fix Pack 2
Enterprise situation override XML specification
You can temporarily override the thresholds set for an enterprise situation on-demand or with a schedule. If you define situation overrides in the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent's thresholds XML specification, you can manage them locally.
This information does not apply to private situations. For information about private situations see Private situation XML specification.
Any updates made to the local XML thresholds file take effect after the agent is restarted. Situation overrides that go through the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (they were defined in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal or with the CLI tacmd setOverride) or applied through the Agent Service Interface take effect immediately.
After reading the XML document, the agent synchronizes the defined threshold override specifications against all data collection requests of all defined table definitions. All threshold parameters, calendar, and situation updates and deletion take effect immediately. The agent outputs the complete threshold override specification XML document to the named local threshold file.
Default situation override path and file name
- install_dir\TMAITM6\pc_thresholds.xml
- install_dir/bin/pc_thresholds.xml
- PCTHRESH in the RKANDATV dataset
- ctira_sit_path/hostname_pc_thresholds.xml
See the "Environment variables" topic in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide for the agent environment variables that enable local situation override operation.
You must create and manually write override definitions in the same file that is created in CENTRAL mode. The names of the columns to be used when specifying overrides is taken from the attributes file (such as C:\ibm\ITM\TMAITM6\ATTRLIB\knt.atr for the Windows OS agent).
Another way to look up the names of the columns to be used when specifying overrides is through ASI. Open ASI > Queries and select the table name. ASI returns complete a table schema including the table display name and display names for all table columns.
Enclose all values in double quotation marks, for example, "NT_Available_Bytes_Warning").
- Begin <override> and end </override> tags define this as a dynamic threshold configuration document.
- ObjName=
- Specify the situation override document name.
- Optional. Specify the named calendar definition. Alternatively, you can specify a scheduled override in the <threshold> element.
- Name=
- Specify the symbolic calendar name.
- Action=
- Optional. Specify the calendar definition disposition. Value Update creates or replaces named calendar. Value Delete removes existing named calendar.
- Start= Stop=
- Optional. Use these attributes to apply the override starting at the same time and for the same duration. For example, start="08:15" stop="17:30" causes the override to take effect during the hours of 8:15 AM to 5:30 PM; start="21:45"" stop="05:15" causes the override to take effect from 9:45 PM to 5:15 AM on the next day. If calendar= is not defined, the start=, stop=, and cron= values are used.
- Cron=
- Optional. Specify a time definition in minute hour day month day-of-week format, where minute is from 0 to 59, hour is 0 to 23, day is 1 to 31, month is 1 to 12, and day-of-week is 0 to 6 (Sunday can be either 0 or 7). Separate each field with a space and use any combination of these symbols:
- Use an asterisk (*) to mean all legal values for the field. For example, * in the month field means every month.
- Enter multiple field values separated by a comma (,).
- Use a hyphen (-) to denote a value range.
- Names can also be used for the month and day-of-week fields. Use the first three letters of the particular day or month.
- Step value, preceded with a slash (/), is the number to skip. For example, */3 in the hour field means every three hours or (0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21). Step value is not valid for the minute field.
- The CRON definition must specify a time range (begin time to end time). If calendar= is not defined, the start=, stop=, and cron= values are used.
- LastUpdate=
- Optional. Last update 16 digits timestamp. The timestamp is ignored if it is earlier than the existing set timestamp. Default: 0 0 0 0 0.
- ObjName=
- Optional. Specify the override document name.
- Define the situation threshold configuration.
- Name=
- Specify the situation name.
- Table=
- Optional. Specify the attribute table name if you prefer to use the attribute name for the key or threshold definition instead of table column name. Use either SQL table name or attribute table name.
- Action=
- Optional. Specify the situation definition disposition. If the specification does not exist, value Update creates situation specification; otherwise, matching overrides modified. Value Delete removes entire situation override specification.
- LastUpdate=
- Optional. Last update 16 digits timestamp. Ignored if earlier than existing set timestamp.
- Calendar=
- Optional. Specify a named calendar definition. The calendar applies to all thresholds in this situation.
- Priority=
- Situation override priority. A lower numerical value denotes a higher priority. Agent replaces lower priority override with higher priority update and rejects update of equal priority. Default: 2147483647
- ObjName=
- Optional. Specify override document name.
- <KEY> or <TRIGGER>
- Optional. Define a table column containing a data value to uniquely distinguish a data row in a multiple-row sample. Nested <key> definitions imply AND condition; <key> definitions of the same level imply OR condition.
- Column=
- Column name. For example, column=USAGE. If you have subagents that you want to apply the override on, you can specify column ORIGINNODE as the key and the subnode Managed System name as the key value.
- Attr=
- Attribute name. As an alternative to specifying a column name, you can specify the attribute name. If you use attribute name, then specify the table name in the <situation> element or specify the attribute name in table-name.attribute-name format, such as attr=NT_Paging_File.%_usage.
- Value=
- Column or attribute filter data value. The attribute value can also specified between begin and end tags without using the Value parameter. However, the parameter style is preferred.
- Define the threshold specification.
- Column=
- Column name. For example, column=CONATTMP.
- Attr=
- Attribute name. As an alternative to specifying a column name, you can specify the attribute name. If you use attribute name, then specify the table name in the <situation> element or specify the attribute name in table-name.attribute-name format, such as attr=HTTP_Service.Connection_Attempts.
- Position=
- Optional. Attribute sequence position in the situation logic construct. Starting with value of 1. Value zero (0) implies all attribute occurrence in conjunctive and/or disjunctive situation logic. This parameter is useful in specifying a particular override attribute in logic containing several occurrences of the same attribute. For example A1 > 80% AND A2 < 95%. Default: 0
- Operator=
- Optional. Logic operation uniquely qualify defining attribute in situation construct containing multiple occurrences of the same attribute. Operators values are: EQ, NE, GE, LE, GT, LT. In the above example, A1 can also be qualified using Operator=GT.
- Value=
- Column or attribute threshold value. Attribute value can also specified in between begin and end tags without using Value parameter. However, parameter style is preferred.
- Calendar=
- Optional. Specify a named calendar definition. The calendar overrides any calendar specified in the <situation> element and any start=, stop=, and cron= attributes.
- Start= Stop=
- Optional. Use these attributes to apply the override starting at the same time and for the same duration. For example, start="08:15" stop="17:30" causes the override to take effect during the hours of 8:15 AM to 5:30 PM; start="21:45"" stop="05:15" causes the override to take effect from 9:45 PM to 5:15 AM on the next day. If calendar= is not defined, the start=, stop=, and cron= values are used.
- Cron=
- Optional. Specify a time definition in minute hour day month day-of-week format, where minute is from 0 to 59, hour is 0 to 23, day is 1 to 31, month is 1 to 12, and day-of-week is 0 to 6 (Sunday can be either 0 or 7). Separate each field with a space and use any combination of these symbols:
- Use an asterisk (*) to mean all legal values for the field. For example, * in the month field means every month.
- Enter multiple field values separated by a comma (,).
- Use a hyphen (-) to denote a value range.
- Names can also be used for the month and day-of-week fields. Use the first three letters of the particular day or month.
- Step value, preceded with a slash (/), is the number to skip. For example, */3 in the hour field means every three hours or (0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21). Step value is not valid for the minute field.
- The CRON definition must specify a time range (begin time to end time). If calendar= is not defined, the start=, stop=, and cron= values are used.
- Optional. Define one or more default filter thresholds apply to multiple row samples. This is desirable if <key> tags are defined.
<overrides> <situation name="Check_Event" table="NT_Event_Log"> <threshold attr="Source" value="Symantec Antivirus" start="08:00" stop="17:00" /> </situation> <situation name="NT_Available_Bytes_Critical" table="NT_Memory"> <threshold attr="Available_Bytes" value="750000" start="08:00" stop="17:30" cron=" * * * * 1-5" /> </situation> <situation name="NT_Disk_Space_Low"> <threshold name="FREEMGBTES" value="10" cron="31-59 8-20 */2 * *" </threshold> </situation> <situation name="NT_Log_Space_Low"> <threshold name="USAGE" value="75" start="08:00" stop="18:00" cron="* * * * MON,WED,FRI" </threshold> </situation> <situation name="Message_Queue_Warning" table="Queue_Statistics"> <KEY column="ORIGINNODE" value="SYSG:NETQ3"> <threshold attr="Queue_Depth" value="10" cron="0-30 8-17 * 3,6,9,12 *" </threshold> </KEY> </situation> <situation name="NT_Process_CPU_Critical" table="NT_Process"> <KEY attr="Process_Name" value="_Total"> <threshold attr="%_Processor_Time" value="70" start="06:00" stop="21:30" cron="* * * * 1-5" /> </KEY> </situation> <situation name="NT_System_File_Critical" table="NT_System"> <threshold attr="File_Data_Operations/Sec" value="50000" cron="* 6-22 * * SAT,SUN" </threshold> </situation> <situation name="DISKFULL"> <key column="INSTCNAME" value="C:"> <threshold column="PCFREE">5</threshold> </key> <key column="INSTCNAME" value="D:"> <threshold column="PCFREE">10</threshold> </key> <default> <threshold column="PCFREE">0</threshold> </default> </situation> <situation name="Windows_Events"> <key column="SOURCE" value="MSFTPSVC"> <key column="EVENTID" value="10"> <threshold column="SOURCE">MSFTPSVC</threshold> </key> <key column="EVENTID" value="100"> <threshold column="SOURCE">MSFTPSVC</threshold> </key> </key> <key column="SOURCE" value="EventLog"> <key column="EVENTID" value="6005"> <threshold column="SOURCE">EventLog</threshold> </key> <key column="EVENTID" value="6009"> <threshold column="SOURCE">EventLog</threshold> </key> </key> <default> <threshold column="SOURCE">NOPASS</threshold> </default> </situation> </overrides>
Parent topic:
Agent-based services