IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 > User's Guides > System p Agent User's Guides > AIX Premium User's Guide > Troubleshooting > Trace logging IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

Principal trace log files

Trace log files are located on various systems.
Table 1 contains locations, file names, and descriptions of trace logs that can help determine the source of problems with agents.

Trace log files for troubleshooting agents

System where log is located File name and path Description
On the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server

  • Windows: The IBM Tivoli Monitoring timestamp.log file in the install_dir\InstallITM path
  • UNIX: The candle_installation.log file in the install_dir/logs path
  • Linux: The candle_installation.log file in the install_dir/logs path

Provides details about products that are installed.

Trace logging is enabled by default. A configuration step is not required to enable this tracing.

On the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server The Warehouse_Configuration.log file is in the following location on Windows systems: install_dir\InstallITM Provides details about the configuration of data warehousing for historical reporting.
On the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server Name of the RAS log file is as follows:

  • Windows: install_dir\logs\hostname_ms_timestamp-nn.log
  • UNIX: install_dir/logs/hostname_ms_timestamp-nn.log
  • Linux: install_dir/logs/hostname_ms_timestamp-nn.log

File names for RAS1 logs include a hexadecimal time stamp.

Also on UNIX systems, a log with a decimal time stamp is provided: hostname_productcode_timestamp.log and hostname_productcode_ nnnnn in the install_dir/logs path, where nnnnn is the process ID number.

Traces activity on the monitoring server.
On the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server Name of the RAS log file is as follows:

  • Windows: install_dir\logs\hostname _cq_HEXtimestamp-nn.log
  • UNIX: install_dir /logs/hostname_cq_HEXtimestamp-nn.log
  • Linux: install_dir /logs/hostname_cq_HEXtimestamp-nn.log

File names for RAS1 logs include a hexadecimal time stamp.

Also on UNIX systems, a log with a decimal time stamp is provided: hostname_productcode_timestamp .log and hostname_productcode_ timestamp.pidnnnnn in the install_dir/logs path, where nnnnn is the process ID number.

Traces activity on the portal server.
On the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server The teps_odbc.log file is located in the following path:

  • Windows: install_dir\InstallITM
  • UNIX: install_dir/logs
  • Linux: install_dir/logs

When you enable historical reporting, this log file traces the status of the warehouse proxy agent.
On the computer that hosts the monitoring agent The RAS1 log files are as follows:

  • UNIX: hostname_px_instance_name_
    HEXtimestamp-nn.log in the install_dir/logs directory

These logs are in the following directories:

  • UNIX: install_dir/logs

Traces activity of the monitoring agent.
On the computer that hosts the monitoring agent The agent operations log files are as follows:

instance_hostnamePX.LG0 is the current log created when the agent was started.

instance_hostname_PX.LG1 is the backup of the previous log.

These logs are in the following directory depending on the operating system that you are using:

  • UNIX: install_dir/logs

Shows whether the agent could connect to the monitoring server. Shows which situations are started and stopped, and shows other events while the agent is running. A new version of this file is generated every time the agent is restarted.

IBM Tivoli Monitoring generates one backup copy of the *.LG0 file with the tag .LG1. View the .LG1 tag to learn the following details regarding the previous monitoring session:

  • Status of connectivity with the monitoring server

  • Situations that were running

  • The success or failure status of Take Action commands

Definitions of variables:

  • timestamp is a time stamp with a format that includes year (y), month (m), day (d), hour (h), and minute (m), as follows: yyyymmdd hhmm

  • HEXtimestamp is a hexadecimal representation of the time at which the process was started.

  • install_dir represents the directory path where you installed the IBM Tivoli Monitoring component. install_dir can represent a path on the computer that hosts the monitoring system, the monitoring agent, or the portal.

  • instance refers to the name of the database instance that you are monitoring.

  • instance_name refers to the name of the agent instance.

  • hostname refers to the name of the computer on which the IBM Tivoli Monitoringcomponent runs.

  • nn represents the circular sequence in which logs are rotated. this value includes a range from 1 - 5, by default. The first is always retained because it includes configuration parameters.

  • productcode specifies the product code, for example, um for Universal Agent or nt for Windows systems.

For more information about the complete set of trace logs that are maintained on the monitoring server, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.

Parent topic:

Trace logging


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