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IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 > User's Guides > Log File Agent User's Guide > Situations reference IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

Situation descriptions

Each situation description provides information about the situation that you can use to monitor the condition of systems in your network.

The situation descriptions provide the following information:


Information about the conditions that the situation tests.


Syntax that contains one or more logical expressions describing the conditions for the situation to monitor.


Whether the situation is automatically distributed to instances of the agent or is available for manual distribution.

Run at startup

Whether the situation starts monitoring when the agent starts.

Sampling interval

Number of seconds that elapse between one sample of data that the monitoring agent collects for the server and the next sample.

Situation persistence

Whether the conditions specified in the situation evaluate to "true" for the defined number of occurrences in a row before the situation is raised. The default of one means that no persistence-checking takes place.


Severity of the predefined events: Warning, Informational, or Critical.

Clear conditions

Controls when a true situation closes: after a period of time, when another situation is true, or whichever occurs first if both are selected.

Parent topic:

Situations reference

KLO_Log_Agent_Config_Error situation

This situation uses data from the Performance Object Status attribute group

KLO_Log_Agent_Config_Error situation


The agent is not configured correctly and is not monitoring anything.

The situation is evaluated for each distinct value of the ATTRGRP attribute.



See Attributes in each attribute group for descriptions of the attributes in this formula.


This situation is automatically distributed to instances of this agent.

Run at startup


Sampling interval

1 minute

Situation persistence

The number of times the conditions of the situation must occur for the situation to be true is 2.

Error conditions


Clear conditions

The situation clears when the condition becomes false.

KLO_PRO_Log_Agent_Config_Error situation

This situation uses data from the pro Performance Object Status attribute group

KLO_PRO_Log_Agent_Config_Error situation


The agent is not configured correctly and is not monitoring anything.

The situation is evaluated for each distinct value of the ATTRGRP attribute.



See Attributes in each attribute group for descriptions of the attributes in this formula.


This situation is automatically distributed to instances of this agent.

Run at startup


Sampling interval

1 minute 40 seconds

Situation persistence

The number of times the conditions of the situation must occur for the situation to be true is 2.

Error conditions


Clear conditions

The situation clears when the condition becomes false.


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