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IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 > User's Guides > Agent Builder User's Guide > Edit data source and attribute properties > Formula Editor IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

Formula Editor common options

Options that are common to the views in the Formula Editor

The Formula Editor common options are:


Insert inserts an operator or a function before the component. The component is demoted to one of the operator operands or one of the function arguments. For example, if you click Insert before the sqrt function, you are asked what you want to insert and the following choices are displayed (Figure 1):

Figure 1. Insert window example

If you click Insert before the getenv function, you are asked what you want to insert and the following choices are displayed (Figure 2):

Figure 2. Insert window example for getenv function


Remove is available only for operators and functions, and is the inverse of Insert. When you click Remove, you are asked what is to replace the removed operator or function. For example, Remove before the sqrt function shows the following choices (Figure 3):

Figure 3. Remove function and its Arguments page

Click An attribute or literal value to discard the entire tree after the point that is being removed and replace it with a new attribute or literal value.

Click the second choice to promote the selected operand or argument to replace the removed operator or function. You can click subsequent choices if there are more arguments or operands. Any other operands or arguments are discarded.

Up one Level

Click Up one Level to move up in the tree.


Click Edit, before a complex operand or argument, to make it the component to be edited.

Click Up One Level after you click Edit to restore the current component to what it was before you clicked Edit.

Parent topic:

Formula Editor


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