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IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 > User's Guides > Agent Builder User's Guide > Monitor data by using a socket IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

Socket errors

Errors are written to the agent log file for problems that occur with data received from a socket client.

Other errors that are logged are take actions that return a value other than 0. Error values that are sent by the socket client are logged along with the message associated with the error code.

The Performance Object Status for the attribute group is set when the socket client sends an error return code to the agent. Some other values can be seen in addition to the ones defined by the agent. The following table describes other “Error Code” values you are likely to encounter with socket attribute groups:

Performance Object Status values

Error Code Description
NO_ERROR No error occurred. Indicates that there are no problems with the attribute group. Problems with a row of sampled data do not cause the state to change from NO_ERROR. You must validate the number of rows that are shown and the attribute values even when you see NO_ERROR as the error code.
NO_INSTANCES_RETURNED A socket client sent no rows of data for a sampled attribute group. Not an error. It indicates that there are no instances of the resources that are being monitored by this attribute group.
XML_PARSE_ERROR The agent failed to parse data that is received from the client. See the agent log for more details.
OBJECT_CURRENTLY_UNAVAILABLE The client sent the agent an error code that was not defined in the global list of error codes.
GENERAL_ERROR A problem occurred collecting data from the client, usually because the client did not reply to the request within the timeout interval. See the agent trace log for more details.

The client can also specify GENERAL_ERROR as an error code, but it is better if a more detailed error code is defined.

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Monitor data by using a socket


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