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IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Version 6.3 > User's Guides > Agent Builder User's Guide > Monitor Java Management Extensions (JMX) MBeans IBM Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.3

JMX monitors

In addition to providing monitoring data when requested, some MBeans also provide monitors.

The JMX Provider supports the ability for an agent to create JMX Monitors. A JMX Monitor is an MBean that the JMX agent creates on the JMX Server. It monitors the value of an attribute of another MBean and sends a notification when that value meets some criteria. Thresholds are defined that enable the Monitor to report on specific attribute values.

Not all application servers support the creation of monitors from a JMX client, which is true for current releases of WebSphere Application Server. JMX Monitors and Take Action commands can be included in your agent by selecting Include JMX monitor attribute groups and take actions under Global JMX Options.

Figure 1. JMX Agent-Wide Options page

Any MBean that reports on an attribute of another MBean can be considered a monitor. In practice, JMX defines three concrete monitor classes, which are the types of monitors that are created. The following concrete monitor types are created:

The following attribute groups might be automatically added to the agent to collect or represent JMX Monitor notifications:

Parent topic:

Monitor Java Management Extensions (JMX) MBeans


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