

 Maintenance Commands                                   ypinit(1M)


ypinit - set up NIS client


/usr/sbin/ypinit [ -c ] [ -m ] [ -s master_server ]


ypinit can be used to set up an NIS client system. You must be the superuser to run this command. This script need not be used at all if ypbind(1M) is started with the -broad- cast option (it is invoked with this option from the start up script /etc/init.d/rpc). Normally, ypinit is run only once after installing the sys- tem. It may be run whenever a new NIS server is added to the network or an existing one is decommissioned. ypinit prompts for a list of NIS servers to bind the client to; this list should be ordered from the closest to the furthest server. Each of these NIS servers must be listed in either the /etc/hosts or the /etc/inet/ipnodes file along with its IP address. ypinit stores the list in file /var/yp/binding/domain/ypservers. This file is used by ypbind when run without the -broadcast option.


-c Set up a ypclient system. -m Build a master ypserver data base. -s master_server Slave data base. master_server must be the same master configured in the YP maps and returned by the ypwhich -m command.


/etc/hosts" /etc/inet/ipnodes /var/yp/binding/domain/ypservers


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri- butes: SunOS 5.8 Last change: 6 Oct 1999 1 Maintenance Commands ypinit(1M) ____________________________________________________________ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | Availability | SUNWnisu | |_____________________________|_____________________________|


ypbind(1M), sysinfo(2), hosts(4), ipnodes(4), attributes(5) BUGS ypinit sets up the list of NIS servers only for the current domain on the system when it is run, that is, the domain returned by the SI_SRPC_DOMAIN command to sysinfo(2). Care should be taken to ensure that this is the same as the desired domain for NIS client processes. SunOS 5.8 Last change: 6 Oct 1999 2