


pprosetup - setup program for PatchManager


pprosetup [[[-D | -W day_of_week | -M day_of_month ] -s hh:mm] | -C ] -d download_directory -q sequester_directory -P patch_server_url -a admin_email_address -p [none|standard] -i [none|patch_type_list] -H -x [host:port] -u user_name -h


pprosetup provides for the configuration of PatchManager. It establishes scheduling for automatic synchronization with the Sunsolve patch base. It sets the rules for the download and installation of patches including where the patches will be stored before installation. It also allows the user to establish what kinds of patches may be installed and where to put patches that could not be installed because interac- tion or special procedures are required.


-D Patch installation is to be scheduled on a daily basis -W day_of_week Patch installation is to be scheduled on a weekly basis -M day_of_month Patch installation is to be scheduled on a monthly basis -s hh:mm To set or change the time of day to perform patch services -C Clear the existing schedule -d download_directory location to download patches required by this host -q sequester_directory patches are moved to this location if they cannot be installed -P patch_server_url The URL of the server providing patches. For example, "https://americas.patchmanager.sun.com/patchmanager." -a admin_email_address set Email address of administrator for notification of download, install and error events -p [none|standard] This option defines the patch installation policy for the type of patch that may be installed in non-interactive mode (Scheduled patch installation). No patches will automatically be installed when none, which is the default, is assigned to this option. -i [none|patch_type_list] Where patch_type_list is one or more patch types (clientroot, clientusr, interactive, noncontract, rebootafter, reconfigafter, singleuser, stan- dard) delimited by the colon ':' character. This option defines the patch installation policy for the type of patches that are allowed to be installed in interactive mode (/usr/sadm/bin/smpatch). No patches will automatically be installed when none is assigned to this option. -H Establish a dialog with the user to determine what hardware is attached to the host. -x [host:port] local proxy server -u user_name The User name used to access contract patches from Sunsolve. -h Displays this screen


In the event of a syntax error, the system will display the message Syntax Error:, followed by the help message, which is invoked with pprosetup -h. -D This option is mutually exclusive with options -W and -M. It indicates that PatchManager is to analyze, download and (optionally) install required patches on a daily basis. This is equivalent to executing smpatch update on a daily basis except that non-interactive install rules are used. See the -p option below. If no -s is specified, a default time of midnight local time is assumed. Specifying pprosetup -D indicates that smpatch update is to be executed using non-interactive install rules on a daily basis, beginning at 12:00 midnight local time. -W [0 - 6] This option is mutually exclusive with options -D and -M. It requires one argument in the range 0 through 6, indicating the day of the week where 0 represents Sun- day in standard crontab style. The option indicates that PatchManager is to analyze, download and (option- ally) install required patches on a weekly basis on the indicated day. If no -s option is specified, a default time of mid- night local time is assumed. To specify pprosetup -W 6 is to indicate that smpatch update is to be executed using non-interactive install rules on a weekly basis, every Saturday beginning at 12:00 midnight local time. Note: For our purposes, midnight is the first hour of each day. -M [1 - 28] This option is mutually exclusive with options -D and -W. It requires one argument in the range 1 through 28. The argument indicates the day of the month begin- ning with 1, which represents the first day of the month in standard crontab style. This option does not provide for the user to schedule patch installation on the 29th, 30th, or 31st day of any month. The option indicates that a call to Patch- Manager is to analyze, download and (optionally) install required patches on a monthly basis on the indicated day. If no -s option is specified, a default time of 12:00am (midnight) local time is assumed. To specify pprosetup -M 15 is to indicate that smpatch update is to be executed using non-interactive install rules on a monthly basis, beginning on the 15th of the month at 12:00am (midnight) local time. -s [hh:mm] [hh:mm] is optional and can be used with either the -D, the -W, or the -M options explained above. When speci- fied, this option indicates that a call to pprosvc -i is to be made at the specified local time on the indi- cated day. The time can be specified in the format [hh:mm] between the range of 00:00 and 23:59.


# pprosetup -D -s 23:00:00 Indicates smpatch update is to be executed using non- interactive install rules on a daily basis, beginning at 11:00pm local time. # pprosetup -W 0 -s 23:00:00 Indicates smpatch update is to be executed using non- interactive install rules on a weekly basis, beginning on the zeroth day of the week (Sunday) at 11:00pm local time. # pprosetup -M 15 -s 22:30:00 Indicates smpatch update is to be executed using non- interactive install rules on a monthly basis, beginning on the 15th day of the month at 10:30pm local time. -C This option clears the existing patch service schedule. -d download_directory This option requires the download directory as its argument. The default download location for the automated download of patches is set to var/spool/pkg/patchpro. This option allows the root user to change the default location. To specify pprosetup -d /usr/tmp/patch is to indicate that the download location is changed from the default value to /usr/tmp/patch. -q sequester_directory This option requires the sequester directory as its argument. The default sequester directory is /var/spool/pkg/patchproSequester. This option allows the root user to change the default sequester directory. The sequester directory is where patches that could not be installed are stored. -P patch_server_url This option allows the root user to specify the URL of the server providing patches. The default server is as shipped. -a admin_email_address With this option the E-Mail address of the administra- tor may be set. Notifications of automatic operations will be E-Mailed to this address. As delivered, Patch- Manager provides for no delivery of E-Mail. When an E- Mail address is provided through this option, E-Mail will be delivered with every automatic invocation of PatchManager. -p [none|standard] This option indicates whether or not any patches are to be automatically installed after download in non- interactive mode. To specify pprosetup -p standard is to indicate that patches are not only to be downloaded into the preset patch download location but are also to be installed if and only if they are standard patches. Standard patches are defined as patches that do not require any special actions on the part of the user and can be installed using patchadd without needing to reboot the host in order for the patch to take effect. To specify pprosetup -p none is to indicate no patches will be automatically installed in non-interactive mode. -i [none|patch_type_list] This option defines the policy for the type of patches that can be automatically installed in interactive mode. To specify pprosetup -i none is to define a policy that does not allow for the automatic installation of patches in interactive mode. To specify pprosetup -i standard:singleuser:reconfigafter:rebootafter is to define a policy that allows patches of type standard, singleuser, reconfigafter and rebootafter to be applied in interactive mode. -H This option displays a menu for each of firmware, disk arrays, and tape storage systems, and allows you to select the hardware pertinent to your system. You select the serial number of the hardware; a confirma- tion page lists your selections. You are then prompted to choose if you want to save the selected hardware in a default file. The system responds by performing the corresponding action and returns to the UNIX prompt. This hardware is stored in the same file used by PatchPro Expert available from the Sunsolve web site: http://sunsolve.sun.com. -x [host:port] This option allows you to set the local proxy server. If the system running PatchManager is behind a firewall, this should be set to your proxy server. Ask your system administrator for the host and port for your system. -u user_name Set Sunsolve user name for access to contract controlled patches. The corresponding Sunsolve password should be stored in the lib/.sunsolvepw file. If you have installed PatchPro to the default location, that file will be found in /opt/SUNWppro/lib/.sunsolvepw. To keep your password safe, be sure to leave the permis- sions on this file as delivered: root, sys, 0600. -h This option presents a description of the legal options for pprosetup.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri- bute: __________________________________ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE| ATTRIBUTE VALUE| |_______________|_________________| | Availability | SUNWppro | |_______________|_________________|


smpatch(1M) pprosvc(1M) SunOS 5.8 Last change: 22 May 2002 6