

 User Commands                                          newtask(1)


newtask - create new task


newtask [ -Flv ] [ -p project ] [ command ... ]


The newtask command executes the user's default shell or a specified command, placing the executed command in a new task owned by the specified project. The user's default shell is the one specified in the passwd database, and is determined via getpwnam(). In the case that extended accounting is active, the newtask command may additionally cause the creation of a task accounting record marking the completion of the preceding system task.


The following options are supported: -F Creates a finalized task, within which further newtask or settaskid(2) invocations would fail. Finalized tasks may be useful at some sites for simplifying the attribution of resource consumption. -l Changes the environment to what would be expected if the user actually logged in again as a member of the new project. -p Changes the project ID of the new task to that associ- ated with the given project name. The invoking user must be a valid member of the requested project for the command to succeed. If no project name is speci- fied, the new task is started in the invoking user's current project. -v Verbose: displays the system task id as the new system task is begun.


The following operands are supported: project The project to which resource usage by the created task should be charged. The requested project must be defined in the project databases defined in nsswitch.conf(4). command The command to be executed as the new task. If no com- mand is given, the user's login shell is invoked. (If SunOS 5.8 Last change: 18 Feb 2000 1 User Commands newtask(1) the login shell is not available, /bin/sh is invoked.) EXAMPLES Example 1: Creating a new shell The following example creates a new shell in the canada pro- ject, displaying the task id: example$ id -p uid=565(gh) gid=10(staff) projid=10(default) example$ newtask -v -p canada 38 example$ id -p uid=565(gh) gid=10(staff) projid=82(canada) Example 2: Running the date command The following example runs the date command in the russia project: example$ newtask -p russia date Tue Aug 31 11:12:10 PDT 1999 EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful execution. 1 A fatal error occurred during execution. 2 Invalid command line options were specified.


/etc/project" Local database containing valid project definitions for this machine.


See attributes(5) for a description of the following attri- butes: ____________________________________________________________ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | Availability | SUNWcsu | |_____________________________|_____________________________|


id(1M), execvp(2), settaskid(2), nsswitch.conf(4), pro- ject(4), attributes(5) SunOS 5.8 Last change: 18 Feb 2000 2