

 User Commands                                            iconv(1)


iconv - code set conversion utility


iconv -f fromcode -t tocode [ file ... ]


The iconv utility converts the characters or sequences of characters in file from one code set to another and writes the results to standard output. If no conversion exists for a particular character, it is converted to the underscore _ in the target code set. The list of supported conversions and the locations of the associated conversion tables are provided in the iconv(5) manual page.


The following options are supported: -f fromcode Identifies the input code set. -t tocode Identifies the output code set.


The following operands are supported: file A path name of the input file to be translated. If file is omitted, the standard input is used. EXAMPLES Example 1: Converting and storing files The following example converts the contents of file mail1 from code set 8859 to 646fr and stores the results in file mail.local: example% iconv -f 8859 -t 646fr mail1 > mail.local ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES See environ(5) for descriptions of the following environment variables that affect the execution of iconv: LC_CTYPE, LC_MESSAGES, and NLSPATH. EXIT STATUS The following exit values are returned: 0 Successful completion. 1 An error has occurred. SunOS 5.8 Last change: 29 Oct 1999 1 User Commands iconv(1)


/usr/lib/iconv/*.so conversion modules /usr/lib/iconv/*.t conversion tables /usr/lib/iconv/iconv_data list of conversions supported by conversion tables /usr/lib/iconv/geniconvtbl/binarytables/*.bt conversion binary tables


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri- butes: ____________________________________________________________ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | Availability | SUNWcsu | |_____________________________|_____________________________|


geniconvtbl(1), iconv(3C), geniconvtbl(4), attributes(5), environ(5), iconv(5), iconv_unicode(5)


The iconv utility can use conversion modules (/usr/lib/iconv/*.so), conversion tables (/usr/lib/iconv/*.t), or conversion binary tables (/usr/lib/iconv/geniconvtbl/binarytables/*.bt) to do the code set conversion. The iconv utility uses iconv_open(3C) to see if a particular code set conversion is available in the iconv(3C) function. iconv_open(3C) first tries to find out if there is a conversion binary table and then if there is a conversion module. If neither is available in your sys- tem, iconv_open(3C) will return a failure code. Then, finally, iconv will search for a conversion table. Refer to the /usr/share/man/man5/iconv_locale.5 manual page in the Asian localized releases for information on which code set conversions are supported. For example, the command example% man -s 5 iconv_ja would display the manual page describing the code set conversions that are supported for the Japanese locale. SunOS 5.8 Last change: 29 Oct 1999 2 User Commands iconv(1) Notice that the iconv_locale.5 manual page may not exist in your system, depending on which locale you chose to install during the system installation. SunOS 5.8 Last change: 29 Oct 1999 3