

 Maintenance Commands                                  dmi_cmd(1M)


dmi_cmd - DMI command line interface utility


dmi_cmd -AL -c compId -g groupId [ -dp ] [ -a attrId ] [ -m max-count ] [ -r req-mode ] [ -s hostname ] dmi_cmd -CD -c compId [ -s hostname ] dmi_cmd -CI mif-file [ -s hostname ] dmi_cmd -CL [ -dp ] [ -c compId ] [ -m max-count ] [ -r req-mode ] [ -s hostname ] dmi_cmd -GD -c compId -g groupId [ -s hostname ] dmi_cmd -GI schema-file -c compId [ -s hostname ] dmi_cmd -GL -c compId -g groupId [ -dp ] [ -m max-count ] [ -r req-mode ] [ -s hostname ] dmi_cmd -GM -c compId [ -m max-count ] [ -s hostname ] dmi_cmd -h dmi_cmd -ND -c compId -l language-string [ -s hostname ] dmi_cmd -NI schema-file -c compId [ -s hostname ] dmi_cmd -NL -c compId [ -s hostname ] dmi_cmd -V [ -s hostname ] dmi_cmd -W config-file [ -s hostname ] dmi_cmd -X [ -s hostname ]


The dmi_cmd utility provides the ability to: + Obtain version information about the DMI Service Pro- vider + Set the configuration to describe the language required by the management application + Obtain configuration information describing the current language in use for the session + Install components into the database + List components in a system to determine what is SunOS 5.8 Last change: 17 Dec 1996 1 Maintenance Commands dmi_cmd(1M) installed + Delete an existing component from the database + Install group schemas to an existing component in the database + List class names for all groups in a component + List the groups within a component + Delete a group from a component + Install a language schema for an existing component in the database + List the set of language mappings installed for a specified component + Delete a specific language mapping for a component + List the properties for one or more attributes in a group


The following options are supported: -a attrId Specify an attribute by its ID (positive integer). The default value is 0. -AL List the attributes for the specified component. -c compId Specify a component by its ID (positive integer). The default value is 0. -CD Delete the specified component. -CI mif-file Install the component described in the mif-file. -CL List component information. -d Display descriptions. -g groupId Specify a group by its ID (positive integer). The default value is 0. -GD Delete a group for the specified component. SunOS 5.8 Last change: 17 Dec 1996 2 Maintenance Commands dmi_cmd(1M) -GI schema-file Install the group schema specified in schema-file. -GL List the groups for the specified component. -GM List the class names for the specified component. -h Help. Print the command line usage. -l language-string Specify a language mapping. -m max-count Specify the maximum number of components to display. -ND Delete a language mapping for the specified component. -NI schema-file Install the language schema specified in schema-file. -NL List the language mappings for a specified component. -p Display the pragma string. -r req-mode Specify the request mode. The valid values are: 1 DMI_UNIQUE - access the specified item (or table row). 2 DMI_FIRST - access the first item. 3 DMI_NEXT - access the next item. The default request mode is 1 DMI_UNIQUE. -s hostname Specify the host machine on which dmispd is running. The default host is the local host. -V Version. Prints version information about the DMI Ser- vice Provider. -W config-file Set the configuration specified in config-file to dmispd. -X Retrieve configuration information describing the current language in use. EXIT STATUS SunOS 5.8 Last change: 17 Dec 1996 3 Maintenance Commands dmi_cmd(1M) The following error values are returned: 0 Successful completion. -1 An error occurred.


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri- butes: ____________________________________________________________ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | Availability | SUNWsadmi | |_____________________________|_____________________________|


dmiget(1M), dmispd(1M), attributes(5) SunOS 5.8 Last change: 17 Dec 1996 4