

 #	logcheck.sh: Log file checker
 #	Written by Craig Rowland <crowland@psionic.com>
 #	This file needs the program logtail.c to run
 #	This script checks logs for unusual activity and blatant
 #	attempts at hacking. All items are mailed to administrators
 # 	for review. This script and the logtail.c program are based upon 
 #       the frequentcheck.sh script idea from the Gauntlet(tm) Firewall
 #	(c)Trusted Information Systems Inc. The original authors are 
 #	Marcus J. Ranum and Fred Avolio.
 #	Default search files are tuned towards the TIS Firewall toolkit
 # 	the TCP Wrapper program. Custom daemons and reporting facilites
 #	can be accounted for as well...read the rest of the script for
 #	details.
 #	Version Information
 #	1.0 	9/29/96  -- Initial Release
 #	1.01	11/01/96 -- Added working /tmp directory for symlink protection
 #			    (Thanks Richard Bullington (rbulling@obscure.org)
 #	1.1	1/03/97	 -- Made this script more portable for Sun's.
 #		1/03/97	 -- Made this script work on HPUX
 #               5/14/97  -- Added Digital OSF/1 logging support. Big thanks
 #                           to Jay Vassos-Libove <libove@compgen.com> for
 #                           his changes.
 # Logcheck is pre-configured to work on most BSD like systems, however it
 # is a rather dumb program and may need some help to work on other
 # systems. Please check the following command paths to ensure they are 
 # correct.
 # Person to send log activity to.
 # Full path to logtail program.
 # This program is required to run this script and comes with the package.
 # Full path to SECURED (non public writable) /tmp directory.
 # Prevents Race condition and potential symlink problems. I highly
 # recommend you do NOT make this a publically writable/readable directory.
 # You would also be well advised to make sure all your system/cron scripts
 # use this directory for their "scratch" area. 
 # The 'grep' command. This command MUST support the
 # '-i' '-v' and '-f' flags!! The GNU grep does this by default (that's
 # good GNUs for you Linux/FreeBSD/BSDI people :) ). The Sun grep I'm told
 # does not support these switches, but the 'egrep' command does (Thanks
 # Jason <jason@mastaler.com> ). Since grep and egrep are usually the GNU 
 # variety on most systems (well most Linux, FreeBSD, BSDI, etc) and just
 # hard links to each other we'll just specify egrep here. Change this if 
 # you get errors.
 # Linux, FreeBSD, BSDI, Sun, HPUX, etc.
 # The 'mail' command. Most systems this should be OK to leave as is.
 # If your default mail command does not support the '-s' (subject) command
 # line switch you will need to change this command one one that does.
 # The only system I've seen this to be a problem on are HPUX boxes. 
 # Naturally, the HPUX is so superior to the rest of UNIX OS's that they
 # feel they need to do everything differently to remind the rest that
 # they are the best ;).
 # Linux, FreeBSD, BSDI, Sun, etc.
 # HPUX 10.x and others(?)
 # Digital OSF/1, Irix
 # File of known active hacking attack messages to look for.
 # Only put messages in here if you are sure they won't cause
 # false alarms. This is a rather generic way of checking for 
 # malicious activity and can be inaccurate unless you know
 # what past hacking activity looks like. The default is to
 # look for generic ISS probes (who the hell else looks for 
 # "WIZ" besides ISS?), and obvious sendmail attacks/probes.
 # File of security violation patterns to specifically look for.
 # This file should contain keywords of information administrators should
 # probably be aware of. May or may not cause false alarms sometimes.
 # Generally, anything that is "negative" is put in this file. It may miss
 # some items, but these will be caught by the next check. Move suspicious
 # items into this file to have them reported regularly.
 # File that contains more complete sentences that have keywords from
 # the violations file. These keywords are normal and are not cause for 
 # concern but could cause a false alarm. An example of this is the word 
 # "refused" which is often reported by sendmail if a message cannot be 
 # delivered or can be a more serious security violation of a system 
 # attaching to illegal ports. Obviously you would put the sendmail 
 # warning as part of this file. Use your judgement before putting words 
 # in here or you can miss really important events. The default is to leave
 # this file with only a couple entries. DO NOT LEAVE THE FILE EMPTY. Some 
 # grep's will assume that an EMPTY file means a wildcard and will ignore 
 # everything! The basic configuration allows for the more frequent sendmail
 # error.
 # Again, be careful what you put in here and DO NOT LEAVE IT EMPTY!
 # This is the name of a file that contains patterns that we should
 # ignore if found in a log file. If you have repeated false alarms
 # or want specific errors ignored, you should put them in here.
 # Once again, be as specific as possible, and go easy on the wildcards
 # The files are reported in the order of hacking, security 
 # violations, and unusual system events. Notice that this
 # script uses the principle of "That which is not explicitely
 # ignored is reported" in that the script will report all items
 # that you do not tell it to ignore specificially. Be careful
 # how you use wildcards in the logcheck.ignore file or you 
 # may miss important entries.
 # Make sure we really did clean up from the last run.
 # Also this ensures that people aren't trying to trick us into
 # overwriting files that we aren't supposed to. This is still a race
 # condition, but if you are in a temp directory that does not have
 # generic luser access it is not a problem. Do not allow this program
 # to write to a generic /tmp directory where others can watch and/or
 # create files!!
 # Shouldn't need to touch these...
 DATE=`date +%m/%d/%y:%H.%M`
 umask 077
 rm -f $TMPDIR/check.$$ $TMPDIR/checkoutput.$$ $TMPDIR/checkreport.$$
 if [ -f $TMPDIR/check.$$ -o -f $TMPDIR/checkoutput.$$ -o -f $TMPDIR/checkreport.$$ ]; then
 	echo "Log files exist in $TMPDIR directory that cannot be removed. This 
 may be an attempt to spoof the log checker." \
 	exit 1
 # You might have to customize these entries depending on how 
 # you have syslogd configured. Be sure you check all relevant logs.
 # The logtail utility is required to read and mark log files.
 # See INSTALL for more information. Again, using one log file
 # is preferred and is easier to manage. Be sure you know what the
 # > and >> operators do before you change them. LOG FILES SHOULD
 # ALWAYS BE chmod 600 OWNER root!!
 # Generic and Linux Slackware 3.x
 #$LOGTAIL /var/log/messages > $TMPDIR/check.$$
 # Linux Red Hat Version 3.x, 4.x
 $LOGTAIL /var/log/messages > $TMPDIR/check.$$
 $LOGTAIL /var/log/secure >> $TMPDIR/check.$$
 $LOGTAIL /var/log/maillog >> $TMPDIR/check.$$
 # FreeBSD 2.x
 #$LOGTAIL /var/log/messages > $TMPDIR/check.$$
 #$LOGTAIL /var/log/maillog >> $TMPDIR/check.$$
 # BSDI 2.x
 #$LOGTAIL /var/log/messages > $TMPDIR/check.$$
 #$LOGTAIL /var/log/secure >> $TMPDIR/check.$$
 #$LOGTAIL /var/log/maillog >> $TMPDIR/check.$$
 #$LOGTAIL /var/log/ftp.log >> $TMPDIR/check.$$
 # Un-comment out the line below if you are using BSDI 2.1
 #$LOGTAIL /var/log/daemon.log >> $TMPDIR/check.$$
 # SunOS, Sun Solaris 2.5
 #$LOGTAIL /var/log/syslog > $TMPDIR/check.$$
 #$LOGTAIL /var/adm/messages >> $TMPDIR/check.$$
 # HPUX 10.x and others(?)
 #$LOGTAIL /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log > $TMPDIR/check.$$
 # Digital OSF/1
 # OSF/1 - uses rotating log directory with date & time in name
 #        LOGDIRS=`find /var/adm/syslog.dated/* -type d -prune -print`
 #        LOGDIR=`ls -dtr1 $LOGDIRS | tail -1` 
 #        if [ ! -d "$LOGDIR" ]
 #        then
 #          echo "Can't identify current log directory." >> $TMPDIR/checkrepo$
 #        else
 #                $LOGTAIL  $LOGDIR/auth.log >> $TMPDIR/check.$$
 #                $LOGTAIL  $LOGDIR/daemon.log >> $TMPDIR/check.$$
 #                $LOGTAIL  $LOGDIR/kern.log >> $TMPDIR/check.$$
 #                $LOGTAIL  $LOGDIR/lpr.log >> $TMPDIR/check.$$
 #                $LOGTAIL  $LOGDIR/mail.log >> $TMPDIR/check.$$
 #                $LOGTAIL  $LOGDIR/syslog.log >> $TMPDIR/check.$$
 #                $LOGTAIL  $LOGDIR/user.log >> $TMPDIR/check.$$
 #        fi
 # Set the flag variables
 # See if the tmp file exists and actually has data to check, 
 # if it doesn't we should erase it and exit as our job is done.
 if [ ! -s $TMPDIR/check.$$ ]; then
 	rm -f $TMPDIR/check.$$	
 	exit 0
 # Perform Searches
 # Check for blatant hacking attempts
 if [ -f "$HACKING_FILE" ]; then
 	if $GREP -i -f $HACKING_FILE $TMPDIR/check.$$ > $TMPDIR/checkoutput.$$; then
 		echo >> $TMPDIR/checkreport.$$
 		echo "Active System Attack Alerts" >> $TMPDIR/checkreport.$$
 		echo "=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=" >> $TMPDIR/checkreport.$$
 		cat $TMPDIR/checkoutput.$$ >> $TMPDIR/checkreport.$$
 # Check for security violations
 if [ -f "$VIOLATIONS_FILE" ]; then
 	if $GREP -i -f $VIOLATIONS_FILE $TMPDIR/check.$$ |
 	   $GREP -v -f $VIOLATIONS_IGNORE_FILE > $TMPDIR/checkoutput.$$; then
 		echo >> $TMPDIR/checkreport.$$
 		echo "Security Violations" >> $TMPDIR/checkreport.$$
 		echo "=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=" >> $TMPDIR/checkreport.$$
 		cat $TMPDIR/checkoutput.$$ >> $TMPDIR/checkreport.$$
 # Do reverse grep on patterns we want to ignore
 if [ -f "$IGNORE_FILE" ]; then
 	if $GREP -v -f $IGNORE_FILE $TMPDIR/check.$$ > $TMPDIR/checkoutput.$$; then
 		echo >> $TMPDIR/checkreport.$$
 		echo "Unusual System Events" >> $TMPDIR/checkreport.$$
 		echo "=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=" >> $TMPDIR/checkreport.$$
 		cat $TMPDIR/checkoutput.$$ >> $TMPDIR/checkreport.$$
 # If there are results, mail them to sysadmin
 if [ "$ATTACK" -eq 1 ]; then
 elif [ "$FOUND" -eq 1 ]; then
 	cat $TMPDIR/checkreport.$$ | $MAIL -s "$HOSTNAME $DATE system check" $SYSADMIN 
 # Clean Up
 rm -f $TMPDIR/check.$$ $TMPDIR/checkoutput.$$ $TMPDIR/checkreport.$$