Proxy Server exceptions
If, when creating a new test, you get the following error...
Unable to start recorder
Reason: Your browser configuration setting for Proxy Server Exceptions is not supported.
The recorder only supports either no Proxy or both HTTP and Secure Proxy...change the browser to one which supports Proxy Server Exceptions.
For example, change browser to Firefox by clicking...
Window | Preferences | Test | RPT HTTP Recording
Test Element Substitution Order
Any test element (for example, custom code or datapool) used in substitution must be inserted before the page request in which it is used. RPT executes down the test so after/below the custom code is where substitution can occur.
Host name value
Make sure host name matches the contents of /etc/hosts file. Initially we ran into a problem where we could not record a test on our Linux workbench system. RPT would hang with a message saying that it is 19% complete when it was trying to bring up a recording session. We noticed that our local host name was set to a value which was not the same as the one in our /etc/hosts file. Modifying the local host entry in the /etc/hosts file to match the local host name fixed this problem.