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Web service security editor overview

With the Web service security editor you can create the SOAP security configurations that are associated with a Web service operation.

Security configurations contain digital certificate information as well as the security algorithm used to perform secure communication with the Web service.

After a security configuration has been created, you associate it with an operation that is specified in the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file of the Web service. Security configurations remain available in the workspace and can be reused with other WSDL files. You can also edit the test to perform the same Web service call several times with different security configurations. You use the Web service security editor to create and edit security configurations. The security editor contains three pages that correspond to the three steps of setting up a security configuration:

Key stores

Use this page to add digital certificates to a security configuration. Digital certificates are contained in Java™ key store (KS, JKS, and JCEKS) files that must be located in workspace. If the key store is protected by a password, the password can be associated with the key store.

After they have been defined, key stores containing digital certificates can be used by security algorithm stack elements.

Security algorithms

Use this page to specify security algorithms. Algorithms are described by adding elements to a stack. When the algorithm is executed, each element in the stack is executed in the specified order.

Algorithm stack elements can be edited, and moved up and down in the stack. Encryption and signature stack elements use can use key stores for digital certificates.

You can create as many algorithms as required by application.

Algorithms by WSDL Operations

Use this page to associate a security algorithm stack with each Web service call and message return in the WSDL file.

Related tasks

  • Create a SOAP security profile for a WSDL
  • Implement a custom security algorithm
  • Add WS-Addressing to a security configuration