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Web Service Verification Points report

The Web service verification points report shows the status of the verification points in tests.

Summary page

The Summary page displays a bar graph representing the percentage of successful Web service calls for the run. You set the Statistics sample interval value in the schedule, as a schedule property. Below the graph, the Verification Point Summary table lists the following information:

Verification Points Detail page

The Verification Points page displays the details for all types of verification points that were checked during the run. The Verification Points table lists the following information:

Return Contain Verification Points page

The Return Contain Verification Points page displays the details for contain verification points that were checked during the run. The table lists the following information:

Return Equal Verification Points page

The Return Equal Verification Points page displays the details for equal verification points that were checked during the run. The table lists the following information:

Return Query Verification Points page

The Return Query Verification Points page displays the details for query verification points that were checked during the run. The table lists the following information:

Return Attachment Verification Points page

The Return Attachment Verification Points page displays the details for attachment verification points that were checked during the run. The table lists the following information:

Related reference

  • Service Performance report