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Record a socket API performance test

You can record a socket API test from any client program on your computer or from a Java™ client program in the workbench. When you record, the recording wizard automatically starts the client program and records all the data that transits through the socket API.

Verify that the Rational Agent Controller is running on the local computer.

Tests are stored in performance test projects (Java projects that include a source folder). If workspace does not contain a performance test project, the test creation wizard creates one with a name that you can change.

To store a test in a specific project, verify that the project exists before you record the test.

Ensure that you have a working client program and that you have network connectivity with the server.

Ensure that the session that you are recording is reproducible. To record a test:

  1. In the Test perspective, click File > New > Test from Recording, or click the


  2. Select Create test from new recording and RPT Socket API Recording; then click Next.

  3. In Test file name, type a name for the test. The name that you type is the base name for the recording, test, and other required files. You see these files in the standard Navigator or the Java Package Explorer with their distinguishing extensions, but you see only the simple test name in the Test Navigator.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Select the type of client program to use to record the test:

    • If you are using a Java client program located in your workbench, select Java run configuration, and select the run configuration for the client program.

    • If you are using a client program located on computer, select External client program, and click Browse to select the program. If necessary, select the Working directory, and type any Arguments required by the program.

  6. If the program requires user input from a command line interface, select Open console for user input.

  7. Select Stop recording when program exits; then click Next.

  8. If this is the first time you record a socket API performance test, read the Privacy Warning, and select Accept to proceed.

  9. Click Finish to start recording. A progress window opens while the client program starts.

  10. Use the client program to perform the actions to test.

  11. When you have finished test actions in the program, stop the recorder. You can do this by closing the client program or by clicking the Stop

    button in the Recorder Control view. A progress window opens while the test is generated. On completion, the Recorder Control view displays the message Test generation completed, the Test Navigator lists test, and the test opens in the test editor.