Put test assets under source control
Use version-control software to put test assets under source control.
IBM offers Rational ClearCase LT.
Put the following assets under source control. Different project assets should go in separate folders under the main project.
Asset Extension Comments Projects .project Enable the project to be seen and imported by another user. Schedules .testsuite Tests .testsuite Custom code .java Put custom code written under source control under... src/custom
Code must be versioned as a single logical unit with the test that includes it.
Datapools .datapool Locations .location Results .trc*xmi Data used to create reports. Not visible in the Test Navigator view. Perform check-out and check-in using Navigator view. Store the results in a separate results folder, specified when running a schedule or test.
Test logs .execution Put in results folder.
Turn off the Eclipse prompt displayed each time you create a file, asking to add it to source control...
Window | Preferences | Team | ClearCase SCM Adapter preferences | Do Nothing
During a session, keep schedules and tests checked out for easy editing.
When you exit Eclipse, you are prompted to check them back in.
Do not put the class path file under source control.