The public APIs contain the public interfaces and classes that you can use to extend the Schedule object.
Public APIs for extending schedules
- The IOptionProvider interface is used in conjunction with the optionProvider extension point to allow contributors to initialize and add their options to a Schedule object when it is created by using the File > New wizard command.
- The class has the method public void setDefaultOptionValues(Schedule theSchedule), which is called after the schedule object is created. In this method, create option object. This object must be a subclass of the class.
- Once you have created the schedule object, you can add the option object to the schedule object by calling the addOptions() method on the schedule object. See the Javadoc information for more details about the schedule interface.
- This class has no functionality. It only serves as a common type for options that are added to test and schedule objects.
- For option contributors, the important method is the boolean addOptions(CBOption options) method. Use this method to add option object to the Schedule object. This should be done through the optionProvider extension point. The method returns true if the option object is successfully added.
- If you need to remove options from the schedule, use the boolean removeOptions(CBOption options) method. The parameter is the option object to remove. The method returns a value of true if the option object is successfully removed.
- Use the strType) method to retrieve options from the schedule object. The parameter is the fully-qualified classname of the object type you want to retrieve. Note that the return type is CBOption, so it must correspond to the appropriate type.
For example, to retrieve the general options for the schedule, the following code can be used: ScheduleOptions2 theOptions = theSchedule.getOptions(ScheduleOptions2.class.getName());
Related reference
Extension points for extending schedules
Related information
API references