Limit think times to a maximum value
You can speed up playback by defining a maximum value for the think times of virtual users.
Set a maximum think time is useful with tests that mimic the actual user's think times.
For example, if you are interrupted when you record a test, you do not have to record the test again. Instead, you can set a maximum think time. By setting a maximum, you can truncate all think times that exceed the specified value, without having to search for and edit each long think time. No think time used will be greater than the maximum limit you set, even if you have chosen to vary the think time by a percentage that would exceed this maximum.
Specify the maximum value that a think time can have within the schedule
- In the Test Navigator, browse to the schedule and double-click it.
- In the Schedule Contents area, click the name of the schedule.
- Click the Think Time tab.
- Select the Limit think times to a maximum value check box.
- In Maximum think time, type a number and select a time unit.
What to do next
To restore the original think times, clear the Limit think times to a maximum value check box.
Related tasks
Set think time behavior