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Filter resource counters


You can filter resource counters the same way you filter other results displayed in reports.

First you need to have successfully run a schedule.

Filter resource counters on reports

  1. Right-click any report graphic or graph in the Performance Test Runs view then select Apply Filter. This will open the Performance Counter Filter window.

  2. Select one of the following options:

    Option Description
    Filter by count Display the specified number of items.

    For example, if you select this option and then type 15, the report will show the 15 items with the highest values (Show highest values) or the 15 items with the lowest values (Show lowest values).

    Filter by value Display items based on a comparison with the specified value.

    For example, if you select this option and then type 15, the report will show all of the items that are higher than 15 (Show counters above filter value) or lower than 15 (Show counters below filter value).

    Filter by label Display items that match the specified label. If you are filtering a table, the label is typically a page, and is listed in the left column. If you are filtering a graph, the label is a legend in the graph.