Extend subsystem management during a test run



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A subsystem is a collection of classes in a discrete component within the performance testing engine that provides a service to many actions. For example, in test execution, the KernelWait subsystem manages think and sleep time for virtual users while a test is running.

Here are additional examples of the services that subsystems provide:

Create the performance test engine subsystem sample

A performance test engine subsystem provides services to one or more actions.

An action that uses a subsystem during a test run is known as a recurrent action. Most actions contain finish() at the end of their execute(). A recurrent action requests service from a subsystem before the end of execute(). After the service is provided, the subsystem that provides the service updates state information in the action and reissues the action for execution. Based on the state information, a performance test engine worker thread takes a different course of execution during the recurring call to execute() and eventually calls finish() to end the action.

The following list gives an overview of the steps required to use this sample:

See also