Export report metadata to a .view file
To share report metadata with another Eclipse user, export it to a .view file. Use this option to share customized report formats with other users. The recipient imports the metadata with Eclipse's Import option and views the report with the Test Navigator.
To export report metadata to a .view file, which is an internal report format:
- Click...
File | Export | Test | Performance Test Report | Next
- In Save to File, select the file that will contain the report. This file is created if it does not exist.
- In Select Report, select the report format to export, and then click Finish.
Here is a sample .view file: HTTP_Rpt_2010_5_30.view
To import report metadata from a .view file
File | Import | Test Report
...and browse to the .view file.
To view the imported report, right-click a run in the Test Navigator, click Display Report, and then select the report that was imported.