Code generation
The extension point...
...has been modified in the following ways...
- supportedFeature has been added with attribute featureName, which is the feature ID of this protocol extension as defined by extending the extension point...
If this element is specified, and the test being generated does not contain this feature, the existence of external libraries will not be enforced. This will prevent the developer from requiring that libraries are invalid for various OS platforms. If the element is not defined, external libraries are enforced as before, so no existing code is broken. Essentially these external libraries will not be enforced for tests that do not contain this feature.
- optionalExtLibraryLocation has been added with attribute pathname (the same as the one for the existing extLibraryLocation element).
Libraries defined by this element are deployed when present. If they are not present, however, no warning will be raised. An optional external library might have the supported feature defined, so if the test does not contain the feature, the optional library, even if it exists, will not be deployed.
- optionalExtLibraryLocation and extLibraryLocation have a new attribute, RelativetoExternalFiles. Set this attribute to true if you are providing a library that is in the external_files directory and to false if you are providing a library that is relative to plug-in.
Related tasks
Generate test code Create the script class Extension points for code generation Code generation templates New protocol extensions Public APIs of codegen.core