Citrix session details
In the test editor, the session is located at the top of the Citrix test. Session settings apply to connection with the server.
Session Attributes
- Session Title
- This is the name of the current session. By default, it is the same as the name of the test.
- Server Address
- This is the address of the Citrix server. The value can be a host name or an IP address. This value can be linked to a datapool.
- Initial Program
- This is the name of a published application on the Citrix server. Use this option to manually specify a published application if no Independent Computing Architecture (ICA) file is available. If no published application and no ICA file is specified, the session starts with the Windows desktop.
- ICA File
- If you recorded the test with an ICA file, this is the location and name of the file. The ICA file contains connection and application information to launch directly a published application with the Citrix XenApp client.
- User name and Password
- These fields allow you to specify user authentication information. These values can be linked to a datapool.
- Color Depth
- This is the recorded color depth for the Citrix XenApp client. This value is read-only.
- Screen Size
- This is the recorded screen resolution for the Citrix XenApp client. This value is read-only.
Response Time Definitions
This table defines the response time measurements that will be performed during the test. By default, response times are automatically generated on main create window events.
- Response Time
- This is the name of the response time measurement.
To change a name, select a response time and click Rename. These names appear in the performance test report.
- Started by
- This is the user input action that triggers the start of the response time measurement.
To navigate to the corresponding user input action in the test editor, click Go to Start.
- Stopped by
- This is the user window event that stops the response time measurement. To navigate to the corresponding user input action in the test editor, click Go to Stop.
- Add, Rename and Delete
- These buttons allow you to manually create, rename or delete a response time measurement.
Related reference
Citrix test details Citrix window details Citrix window event details Citrix key action details Citrix mouse action details Citrix text input details Citrix mouse sequence details Citrix screen capture details Citrix image synchronization details Citrix logoff details