Citrix: Measure response times
A response time measures the delay between a specified start event and a specified stop event. Typically, the start of the measurement is set to a mouse or keyboard input. Similarly, the stop is set to a window create, window activate, or window destroy event that is a response to the input event, or an image synchronization element that was recorded with the test.Response time measurements require a start element and a stop element. If either of these are missing, the response time definition is displayed with an error or warning marker.
When the Response time for main windows option is selected in the Citrix Test Generation preferences, recorded tests are generated with a response time measurement each time a main window is created. Generated measurements start on the event that occurred immediately before a main window is created and stop when the main window is created.
You can view all the response times of a test by selecting the Citrix test element in the test editor. Response times are listed in the Response Time Definitions table where they can be edited, renamed, or deleted.
Add a response time measurement
- In the test editor Test Contents area, select a test element to start the response time measurement.
- Press the Ctrl key, and select another test element to stop the response time measurement.
The two elements are selected in the test. The first element is the start of the response time measurement and the second is the stop.
- Right-click either the start or stop element, and click Create Response Time.
- A Create Response Time window displays information about the new response time measurement.
If the new response time measurement replaces a previous one, click Yes. Otherwise, click OK.
- To view all the response times that are defined for the test, click the test element in the test navigator, and select the...
Citrix Response Time page
By default, response time measurements are included in the test results, even when the synchronization fails with a timeout.
To exclude failed synchronizations from the response time results, clear the State option in the Response Time Definitions list.
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