Change information in a report with report counters
To gather additional information for diagnosing performance problems, you can change the information that appears in a report. You do this by adding or removing report counters. If you save the changes, the report will contain these updates the next time that you generate it.
Change information that appears in a report
- In the Test Navigator, expand the project until you locate the run whose information to change.
Each run begins with the name of the schedule or test, and ends with the date of the run in brackets.
- Double-click the run to display the default report.
To display another report, right-click the run, click Display report, and then open the report to change.
- Select the report page to change.
- Right-click the report area and click Add/Remove Performance Counters
For example...
The help topic HTTP counters explains each HTTP counter.
- Select or clear the counter to change.
- In the counter window, select or clear the counters to display in the report.
The report is immediately updated, and if you save the changes upon exiting, the report will contain these updates the next time that you generate it.