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Access release information

The download document for a product release contains information, or links to information, specific to the release, including new features, known problems and workarounds, and troubleshooting information.

Determine RPTv8 release that you need information about.

To access RPTv8 release information:

  1. Go to the Rational Support Web site at...

    ...and, in the Rational support task navigator, click Download.

  2. Select product name.

  3. Clear the Utilities, APARs, and Drivers check boxes, leaving the Updates check box selected.

  4. Click Search.

  5. From the search results, click the download document for current product release. The file name for the download document is the product name, release type (if applicable), and release or version number; for example, "Rational ClearCase Fixpack ( for version"

  6. Browse this document for information or links to information about product release.


  1. Troubleshooting process overview
  2. Search knowledge bases
  3. Getting fixes