ProxyObject hierarchy
While developing new proxies by extending existing proxies for any domain, it is important to understand the existing proxies and the hierarchies, so that you extend the right proxy.
For more information on methods and properties of proxy classes, see Proxy API reference.
Identifying the control under test
The first task for a functional testing tool is to identify the control under test and represent it in the application under test (AUT). Functional Tester identifies that a control is using recognition properties and the hierarchy, and represents it in the TestObject Map. Recognition properties and hierarchy might vary for different controls. The proxy developed for a control provides this information to Functional Tester. While developing new proxies you are going to inherit the base proxies in each domain. Usually you will not override these methods, because they are already implemented in the base proxies.
- Recognition properties
- You can use the methods that are listed in Table 1 to specify recognition properties and weight for a control.
You can also specify recognition properties and weight using the Object Library.
Table 1. Extensible methods for specifying recognition property
Java .Net Hashtable getRecognitionProperties() Hashtable GetRecognitionProperties() int getRecognitionPropertyWeight(String propertyName) int GetRecognitionPropertyWeight(String propertyName) - Hierarchy
- You can use the methods that are listed in Table 2 to specify the hierarchy of a control.
Typically, these methods are implemented in the base proxy classes and you may not need to extend.
Table 2. Extensible methods for specifying hierarchy
Java .Net getParent() GetParent() getTopParent() GetTopParent() getChildren() GetChildren() Object getChildAtPoint(Point pt) Object GetChildAtPoint(Point pt) getOwner() GetOwner() getOwnedObjects() GetOwnedObjects()
You can use the methods that are listed in Table 3 to change the administrative characteristics of a control, for example icons or descriptive names.
Table 3. Extensible methods for changing administrative characteristics
Java .Net String getTestObjectClassName() String GetTestObjectClassName() String getDescriptiveName() String GetDescriptiveName() String getUniqueId() String GetUniqueId() boolean shouldBeMapped() bool ShouldBeMapped() String getRole() String GetRole() String getObjectClassName() String GetObjectClassName()
Functional Tester records the user actions performed on a control when the recorder is on. These user actions can be grouped as mouse interactions and keyboard interactions. You can use the methods that are listed in Table 4 for recording.
Table 4. Extensible methods for recording
Java .Net void processMouseEvent(IMouseActionInfo action) void ProcessMouseEvent(IMouseActionInfo action) void processPreDownMouseEvent(IMouseActionInfo action) void ProcessPreDownMouseEvent(IMouseActionInfo action) void processPreUpMouseEvent(IMouseActionInfo action) void ProcessPreUpMouseEvent(IMouseActionInfo action) void processPostUpMouseEvent(IMouseActionInfo action) void ProcessPostUpMouseEvent(IMouseActionInfo action) void processHoverMouseEvent(IMouseActionInfo action) void ProcessHoverMouseEvent(IMouseActionInfo action) getScriptCommandFlags() GetScriptCommandFlags() Vector getSubItems() ArrayList GetActionArgs(Point pt) Rectangle getRectangle(SubItem) SubItem FindSubItem(Point pt)
You can use the methods that are listed in Table 5 to find the screen rectangle or point for a SubItems.Typically, you do not need to extend these methods unless you introduce new SubItems.
Table 5. Extensible methods for playback
Java .Net Rectangle getScreenRectangle(SubItem) Point GetPointForSubItem(SubItem)
Verification points
You can add more datatypes and properties to a control.
- Data verification
- You can use the methods that are listed in Table 6 to add more datatypes to a control.
Table 6. Extensible methods for adding datatypes
Java .Net Hashtable getTestDataTypes() Hashtable GetTestDataTypes() ITestData getTestData(String) ITestData GetTestData(string testDataType)
- Property verification
- You can use the methods that are listed in Table 7 to add more properties to a control.
Table 7. Extensible methods for adding properties
Java .Net Hashtable gerProperties() Hashtable GerProperties() object getProperty(String) object GetProperty(string)
Data driving
You can use the methods that are listed in Table 8 to specify the method that should be used for data driving.
Table 8. Extensible methods for data driving
Java .Net MethodSpecification getDataDrivableCommand MethodSpecification GetDataDrivableCommand
Reflection Support
You can use the reflection support that Java and .Net provide from the test script. With APIs such as getMethods() and Invoke(), you can access information about methods on the underlying object to use in remote invocation. This information includes method name and signature. You can use the methods that are listed in Table 9 for reflection support.The getNonValueProperties() method returns the properties that are not supported because the value is a reference to an object that can not be serialized across process boundaries. These properties can still be accessed using the getProperty() methods. If such a property is returned to the test script, it is returned as a TestObject containing a reference to the object in the AUT. The test script must call the TestObject method unregister() to release the object.
Table 9. Extensible methods for reflection support
Java .Net getMethods() GetMethods() invoke() Invoke() getNonValueProperties()
- Java domain proxy hierarchy
There are three types of Java controls. The Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), Swing or Java Foundation Class (JFC), and Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT), or Eclipse controls. Functional Tester supports testing all three types of controls under Java UI frameworks. For the complete list of Java controls that are mapped to individual proxies, see the rational_ft.rftcust file in C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP\FunctionalTester\bin. This file can help you understand of what proxy to inherit to create a new proxy for a control under the Java domain.- .Net domain proxy hierarchy
There are four key base proxies that you can extend to create new proxies for a control in the .Net domain. They are ObjectProxy, ComponentProxy, ControlProxy, and ControlWithSubobjectsProxy.