Enable environments on Test Agents
This topic describes how to enable test environments on test agents.
Before you begin
The first time you start Rational Functional Tester , it automatically enables your environment for running functional test scripts. If you add a browser or add a new Java environment, enable the new browser or Java environment.If you use TestManager or Rational ClearQuest® Test Manager to coordinate your testing activities and run a functional test script on a test agent computer, enable environments on the agent computer that runs the script.
To enable environments:
- Do one of the following to start the Enabler.
- For Windows : Change to the directory where the rational_ft.jar file is located (by default, <product installation directory>\FunctionalTester\bin) and then from the command line, type:
java -jar rational_ft.jar -enable
You may also need to type the full path to the IBM JRE, which can be found, by default, at <product installation directory>\SDP\jdk\jre\bin .
- For Linux : From the command line, type: /opt/IBM/SDP/ft_cmdline -enable
- When the Enabler starts, click the Web Browsers tab to enable browsers.
- Click the Java Environments tab to enable Java environments.
- Click OK.